CS135 Main Page
The responsibilities of a CS135 Tutor may vary over academic terms depending on the number of students and instructor preferences. The general weekly responsibilities will include preparing marking rubrics, holding marking meetings, office hours, tutorials, posting solutions and running moss. It is important to attend lectures and prepare your own assignment solutions in order to maximize your abilities over the course material and potential to help all students. If you are not involved in tutorials, it is still useful to attend one of the tutorial sections.
The responsibilities of all
tutors can be found on the
ISG webpage.
Getting Started
Welcome to CS 135 (again), but this time, as a member of the course staff! Hopefully you know what you're getting yourself into, but if not, then that's what this TWiki page is here for. Our goal is to guide you through everything that you and your colleagues need to do throughout the term without getting lost in the sauce.
With that being said there are several tasks that will need to be completed before the first week of classes, so let's get started (these do not have to be done in any particular order).
List of everything to do at the beginning of the term
MarkUs - all information regarding markus, along with when you need to do what with it.
Course Account Structure - explanation of the file structure of the course account.
Scripts - information over the majority of scripts used throughout the term.
AutotestingPassFailConditions - overview of how basic/correctness and our check test cases scripts behave for different cases
Assignment Timeline
- Getting Assignments Ready for Release
- Setting up Marking Materials
- Marking Assignments
- CollectAssignments - collecting assignments and putting them through the grading proccess.
- AssigningSubmissions - taking assignments and handing them out to be marked by graders.
- AssignmentRequest - rollback request, feedback request, and GRacket conversion.
- MarkingMeetings - prepping for and running marking meetings
- TASpotcheck - how to check up on an ISA's assigned TA's for the week to make sure they are properly marking.
- Releasing Marks
- Post Release
- RemarkRequests - information with how to handle remark requests.
- Late Rollback/Roll Forward Requests - AssignmentRequest - rollback request, feedback request, and GRacket conversion.
- MossBasics - using moss for plagiarism detection.
Student Communications
PiazzaManagement - handling piazza to answer student questions.
EmailManagement - organizing and responding to emails properly.
Tutorials - preparing for and creating tutorials for classes. Also covers clickers.
DiscussionSections - attending and assisting with discussion section
OfficeHours - tips for holding 1-1 Office Hours
Marking Assignments
MarkingScheme (new) - preparing a marking scheme
Rubric - setting up the rubric on markus.
Annotations - setting up annotations for handmarking on markus.
CollectAssignments - collecting assignments and putting them through the grading proccess.
AssigningSubmissions - taking assignments and handing them out to be marked by graders.
SolutionRequest - releasing sample solutions once an assignment is finished.
TestingGuide - everything to do with taking student assignments and testing the code.
Check Testcases - information regarding Check Testcases set up.
AssignmentRequest - rollback request, feedback request, and GRacket conversion.
RemarkRequests - information with how to handle remark requests.
MossBasics - using moss for plagiarism detection.
TA Management
MarkingMeetings - prepping for and running marking meetings
TASpotcheck - how to check up on an ISA's assigned TA's for the week to make sure they are properly marking.
TaAssignments - setting up markus to let TA's also do and submit assignments before they need to mark them.
TAPerformance - everything that goes into tracking the performance of TAs
Old Pages
CompSci135TutorDutiesOld - outdated duty list for cs135 tutors.
Marking scheme (Old) - outdated marking scheme.