Course Account Structure
It is strongly recommended that you get familiar with the course account structure early in the term before things get hectic. Here are some of the major directories you should know about.
Marking Directory
Under the ~/marking/ directory, there are directories for each assignment
(Dec/15 update)
Under each assignment directory, there are two major directories.
- contains test suite for basic tests
- test.0: contains test suite for correctness tests
There may also exist folders such as test.anyname that ISAs may have created to experiment before changing the .pt or .0 folders. Also, you may see test.0.[<timestamp>/<username>/AUTOTESTRESULTS] folders which are created when rst is run.
(pre Dec/15:
Under each assignment directory, there are three major directories.
- solutions: The folder is needed for the ISG script rst to run properly, but the contents of the folder do not affect the scripts.
- contains scripts for generating Public Tests
- testp.0: contains scripts for generating the actual test results
There may also exist folders such as testp.anyname that tutors may have created to experiment before changing the .tc or .0 folders. Also, you may see testp.0.timestamp folders which are created when rst is run.
This folder is usually used to store the solutions to each assignment in a convenient location, but as mentioned above, the contents are not ever used by any of our scripts.
For a more detailed description on the other folders and files in the marking directory, see the Marking Suite Usage PDF located in ./suite-docs.
In Fall 2008, there were two extra scripts created to assist in the automarking process, which will not be described in the PDF. These scripts are genRST and greedyRST. We will describe these in the Assignment Preparation section of this document.
Student Submission Directory
(Dec/15 and Apr/29 updates)
When students submit on MarkUs, their submitted files get placed in a directory named for their username that gets created automatically. If a student having a username abc submits assignment a03, the submitted files are saved under the ~/handin/a03/abc directory. Note that for running practice tests when constructing the automarking tests, it may be beneficial to construct a test student in the directory. When choosing a name, often using a number as the first character is a good idea, as it will keep things organized, and can be filtered out easily when using RST. You can also use your MarkUs student account [username]-student, which you should set up.
(pre Dec/15:
When students use the submit command, their submitted files get placed under a directory of their username that gets created automatically. If a student having a username abc submits assignment 3, the submitted files are saved under the ~/handin/3/abc directory. Note that for running practice tests when constructing the automarking tests, it may be beneficial to construct a test student in the directory. When choosing a name, often using a number as the first character is a good idea, as it will keep things organized, and can be filtered out easily when using genRST
Snapshot Directory
If you have mistakenly deleted any important files, don't panic. The deleted files can be recovered from ~cs135/.snapshot directory. This directory keeps copies of old contents of the course account. In order to recover a file, copy the file from this ~cs135/.snapshot directory to the correct location.
Public_html Directory
The public_html directory contains all the contents for the course webpage. Here are a few specifics that may be helpful
Course Pages - these should all be put into the main public_html directory (ie. public_html/assignments.shtml)
- assign_info.shtml: General assignment info - this is a standard page that likely will not need to be updated
- assignments.shtml: Assignments page - will be updated weekly to post new assignments; ensure dates are correct for the given term
- calendar.shtml: Calendar page for the course - will need to be updated once at the beginning of term
- designRecipe.shtml: temporary solution the missing information from the style guide - will not need to be updated until the style guide is updated
- emailAndPiazza.shtml: Contains the communication information for the course - this will not need to be updated
- enhancements.shtml: Contains the enhancements for the course, you shouldn't need to update this page - read it over and check to make sure it is current
- exam.shtml: Contains exam information - you will need to update the dates at the beginning of term and add information about a week or two before each exam
- grading.shtml: Contains the grading and marks information - You should only need to update this once at the beginning of the term
- handout.shtml: Contains the handouts and errata page - this is currently standardized between terms and will not need to be changed
- images/: Contains most if not all the images for the course webpage. Pictures of course staff go in this folder and are then linked on the course webpage. Other images used in webpages are also in this folder
- index.shtml: Main page for the course - will need to be updated at the beginning of term
- MarkUshelp.shtml: Markus information page - check and modify at the beginning of term
- personnel.shtml: Contains information for the course personnel. Will need to be updated at the beginning of term
- philosophy.shtml: Contains course philosophy. Check at the beginning of every term, but it will likely not need to be updated
- postmorts.shtml: Contains the postmortems for the assignments and midterms. Will need to be updated weekly.
- prospective.shtml: Page intended for prospective students. Check to make sure it is up to date at the beginning of term.
- requestPublicTest.html: Not used when using MarkUs
- toc.shtml: Contains the table of contents on the left side bar. Should only need to edit if you rename a page or create a new page.
- tutorial.shtml: Contains the weekly tutorials. Will need to be updated weekly either before or after tutorial
- TutorOfficeHours.shtml: Contains a table of the weekly tutor office hours. Should only need to be updated at the beginning of term and during exam period.
Style Pages - Not to be updated unless otherwise noted. These should all be placed into the main public_html folder (i.e. public_html/bottom.shtml)
- bottom.shtml: Contains the bottom of webpages
- lastModifiedFooter.php/shtml: Used to display the last modified date for each webpage
- redirect.html: used to redirect
- standard_fini.php/shtml: Used to display the standard finish to each webpage
- standard_init.php/shtml: A standard initializer for each page
- standard_style.shtml: Standard style for each webpage
- style.css: The style file for each webpage
- template.shtml: A template for each webpage (with standard init and fini)
- unique.css: Link colours
Folders - standard folders that should be in the public_html directory (ie. public_html/exams/...)
- announce/: The announcement folder for the course (including the announce script)
- assns/: Where to store the assignments to be posted to the course webpage
- exams/: Where to post midterm and final exam information, including the first page if posted on the exams page
- handouts/: All of the course slides for each module, as well as for the full course in both 1up and 3up format
- postmortems/: Where to post each postmortem after each assignment has been marked
- protect/: This folder has the watermarking scripts for the solutions. It also holds requestAssgnSolnCommon.php, which is where you will post each assignment's solutions
- stepping/: All of the stepping questions used for assignments. Should not be edited unless creating new stepping questions. Posting steppers is found at stepping/questions/problem-list.php
- tutorials/: Holds the tutorial slides for each tutorial
Webpage Templates - Templates to be used at the beginning and end of each term, with blank copies of webpages.
- Full documentation is available in webpage_template_guide.txt, which can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.
--Main.RyanCampagnola - 2013-12-05