Piazza Management

General Piazza Info

See PiazzaTips for more information on setting up Piazza.

Information for CS135 ISAs

  • MAKE A SCHEDULE. This is particularly important for larger teams.

    • Figure out who is responsible for handling Piazza on which days. There should be 1 or 2 ISAs monitoring, organizing, and replying to Piazza questions everyday.

    • Enforce it! Keep each other accountable.

  • Look for similar questions before answering to ensure consistency and potentially to link to the other question.

  • Pin important/urgent posts (e.g. assignment FAQs, assignment grades being released, any changes in regularly scheduled activities).

  • Unpin posts as soon as the information is no longer of vital importance: having too many pinned posts will overwhelm students

  • Create a general archive post to put important information posts that are not urgent. Make different categories (recommended: Information + Announcements, Guidelines, Assignments, Tutorials, Assessments, Other). Most recent information should be at the top of each category. Each item should have the title of post, post number @, and date.

    • Example from Fall 2020:

Additional Info
  • Be aware when a student has posted anonymously: be careful not to mention them, by name, in your replies.

  • When you link a student to a post on Piazza that is private, they will not be able to see it by default (unless they made the private post themselves). Be cognizant of this when answering questions.

  • Students can pin their own posts using the macro.

-- Amy Luo - 2020-12-23


Topic revision: r1 - 2020-12-23 - AmyLuo
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