
The post-mortem is released after an assignment has been graded and provides the students with a summary of common errors. The common errors are supplied by the graders (mostly TAs) of the assignment.

  • To get started, the general template can be also found in ~/archives/term/assignments/post-mortem (This path might change as we organize archives folders. Please find a post-mortem from a previous term (look in ~/archives/term/assignment/a##/post-mortem) to use as a template).

  • New post-mortems can be created in ~/svn/term-code/assns/a##/post-mortem. It is also available to upload post-mortems into svn at the end of the term.

  • There are different options available to edit (using vim in course account, any latex editor, etc.), so choose the one you are most comfortable with. Online latex editors such as Overleaf can be used as long as we use our institution account to log in.

  • Generally, the post-mortem should be structured question by question. However, there are some instances where it is better separated into non-question-number categories (e.g., contract grading, whitespace/layout, etc.).

  • If you would like to add in comments on correctness, run for a summary of the assignment's correctness results.

  • Once finished writing the postmortem, send it to instructors for feedback first before releasing it.

  • Releasing the post-mortem:
    • For website, copy/move the pdf into ~/web/content/assess/post-mortem/ and publish the changes according to these instructions.
    • For edX, upload the file according to these instructions. (link to be added)

-- Amy Luo - 2020-12-20


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Topic revision: r7 - 2021-12-23 - AmyHwang
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