Handmarking Annotations
How to set up annotations:
1. Log into
MarkUs in the admin account (the account that you log in with your email)
2. Click on Assignments and select an assignment, then click “Annotations”
3. To add an annotation category, click “Add Annotation Category” and give a meaningful name. e.g. Q2: Purpose Statement Format
4. To add an annotation, click an annotation category and select “Add Annotation”. Add all relevant annotations and click “Save”
5. You can also edit or delete an annotation, or edit the name of the category after clicking an annotation category. Note that editing a saved annotation will change all the occurrences for this annotation used in marking.
6. After setting up the annotations, you can click “Download” to download a .csv version of it. You can reuse a csv file from previous assignment by clicking “Upload” and select the csv file you downloaded before.
Tips for setting up annotations:
1. Try to make the order of annotation categories match the order of criteria in the marking rubric. Annotations for major errors should come first (in the same order as the marking scheme), followed by annotations for ungraded problems.
2. Each annotation category name should be the same as the criterion name.
3. For the annotations that are only used as feedback, but not deducting marks, label “Ungraded” in front of them.
4. Add the name of the category at the end of each annotation so that students can match the annotations with the grade they get for each criterion.
MarkUs cannot show the full annotation during annotation, so try to add a heading for each annotation. The heading should be informative, concise and as short as possible.
Examples and templates for annotations
Below is an example of annotations under the contract formatting category:
Category: Q2: Contract Format (All Functions)
Missing/Incorrect Function Name (Contract Format) |
Function Names in Brackets Function name in contract should not be surrounded by brackets. (Contract Format) |
Parameter Names Present Parameter names should not be included in contracts. (Contract Format) |
Missing Colon (Contract Format) |
Missing Uppercase Letter Type names should begin with an uppercase letter (Contract Format) |
Incorrect Type Name (e.g. Number instead of Num) Consult the style guide for the correct type names. (Contract Format) |
Missing -> (Contract Format) |
(ungraded) Please use -> instead of => |
We also provide you with .csv files of sample annotations we used in Fall 2020 as well as Fall 2021. These files can be used as templates for future assignments.