A00 Setup

Releasing to Students

Students will receive a PDF describing the assignment and what is to be submitted. Students will also receive any starter files to help them with the assignment (e.g., function.rkt, see below).

Proofreading PDF

Once the initial A00 PDF has been drafted, the PDF needs to be read over to catch any mistakes. Keep in mind any testing limitations (see below).


Assignment 0 will need to be added to MarkUs so that students can submit. Follow the instructions in the MarkUs page to create an assignment called "Assignment 0" with repository name "a00". In most cases, every checkbox should be checked except for "Display grader names to students". Add the correct required files so that students know what to submit. Because assignment 0 does not receive marking feedback on MarkUs, the default settings will suffice for the other options.


To setup A00, begin by copying ~/archives/XXXX/marking/a00/test.pt (where XXXX is a recent term) into the current term's marking folder, giving you ~/marking/a00/test.pt. There is no test.0 folder (correctness tests) for assignment 0, as all of our feedback is given to students in basic tests.


A00 is different from the rest of the assignments because A00 does not contain an in/ directory for code testing. All basic tests are conducted by computeMarks.

There are a few different checks contained within computeMarks. Some may be commented out depending on the term. Check with your instructor to see which checks are being conducted. To output the correct basic test results, the completemark variable at the top of the file will need to be updated to be equal to your number of tests.

The checks below were conducted in the Winter 2022 term.


Students may have to submit a simple racket file called function.rkt. In this file, students must modify the expected value of a check-expect. Modify the line containing egrep -q ^'\(check-expect \(f ...\) ...\)' such that the dots are replaced with the values outlined in the assignment.


Students may have to submit a text file containing a secret number that depends on their Quest ID. This section of computeMarks should not need to be changed.


An academic integrity contract may be checked as part of Assignment 0. Note that there should be a file in test.pt called check_acadinteg, which is responsible for knowing if a student has successfully submitted a correct acadinteg.txt file. Make sure that the text below the line labelled "__DATA__" is correct for your term. The header will certainly need to change, but check with your instructor to see if the rest of the text is correct.


Topic revision: r1 - 2022-04-29 - RyanBush
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