-- BillInce - 02 Feb 2007

WWW pages often contain the email address to be used when commenting upon page contents. The person that reaches is often referred to as the "webmaster". For CSCF pages, it's expected that a "webmaster" will be a "Point of Contact" in that they will make obvious corrections, and know who to forward problems to that they can't handle themselves.

When the "webmaster" is a list of individuals (as it is for cs-webmaster), the list should be notified when someone takes responsibility for responding to an email problem or question. This is typically done by copying the webmaster email on a reply to a "quick solution" problem or sending email to the webmaster email address to let others know work on a longer term problem is a specific individual's responsibility.

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Topic revision: r2 - 2010-03-29 - DawnKeenan
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