I wanted to move some people on softbase from /fsys2/u2 (old home directory structure) to /fsys4/u4 (new one). See ST#42644.
From: Adrian Pepper
To: mpatters@cs.uwaterloo.ca
Cc: wcwince@cscf.cs.uwaterloo.ca
Subject: Re: moving home directory locations
Date: Mon, 4 Oct 2004 14:07:55 -0400 (EDT)
> From mpatters@williams.cscf.uwaterloo.ca Mon Oct 4 13:44:06 2004
> Subject: Re: moving home directory locations
> From: Mike Patterson
> To: Bill Ince
> Cc: arpepper@cs.uwaterloo.ca
> Date: Mon, 04 Oct 2004 13:44:03 -0400
> On Mon, 2004-10-04 at 12:52 -0400, Bill Ince wrote:
> > Hmmm, I recall Ray observing that some things use absolute paths, e.g.
> > - application configuration
> > - e.g. ~/.netscape/preferences.js
> > - backups
> > - .snapshot's
> > - user owned symbolic links might
> > - ???
> The backups issue is a good point, but I don't know how that could be
> worked around. That would seem to me to be a weakness in the way Legato
> does things (perhaps). I doubt it checks files for uniqueness before
> slamming them onto the tape. I could leave a "stub" in /fsys2/u2 for
> them (ie, leave /fsys2/u2/l6chen there and writable) so that way if they
> need an older version of a file, they can always go back and get it in
> the old location, then move it to where they need it. (I'm thinking out
> loud there; if my thoughts seem wrong or incorrect, please let me know.)
A common (perhaps standard) thing to do is create
/u2/l6chen -> /u4/l6chen
This lets old absolute paths work.
I'm not sure how networker works with that.
Leaving /fsys2/u2/l6chen/ would probably give them more "quota" than
intended (perhaps).
> So maybe I'll move my own filespace first, and see if anything explodes.
> I expect it won't since I don't use softbase for much beyond a launchpad
> for suw. :-)
> Would either of you like to know if I do, in fact, run into problems, so
> we can document the traps (or lack thereof)? I'll let them know that
> they will need to check on symlinks themselves.
Yes, at this point feedback/documentation is important for building
up a human knowledge base.
You can move my home directory too.
There shouldn't be anything important there which isn't reproducible.
Mostly it's various web page demonstrations.
So I did this:
- cd /fsys2/u2
- rsync -a -v mpatterson /fsys4/u4
- rm -r mpatterson
- vipw, and change /u2/mpatterson to /u4/mpatterson
- So far so good. I can log in. My mozilla profile may have been borked though.
- Following Adrian's suggestion: ln -s /u4/mpatterson mpatterson
Bill points out that backups may be affected. We don't know how smart Legato is. But the following looks promising:
@softbase[112]% cd /u2/mpatterson
@softbase[113]% pwd
@softbase[114]% recover
/fsys4/u4/mpatterson/ not in index
will exit.
Enter directory to browse: /u2/mpatterson
recover.arch: Current working directory is /fsys2/u2/mpatterson/
Something else to keep in mind is NFS exports: don't forget to add the new filesystem to the list of exports, and don't forget to mount it on client machines.
Adrian adds:
softbase.math% recover
recover.arch: Current working directory is /fsys2/u2/arpepper/
recover> cd /u
recover> versions mpatterson
Versions of `/u/mpatterson':
1 lrwxrwxrwx root other 22 Oct 04 17:22 mpatterson -> ../fsys4/u4/mpatterson
save time: Tue Oct 5 04:13:21 2004
location: 23005 at lto_jukebox.mfcf
1 lrwxrwxrwx root other 22 Apr 25 2003 mpatterson -> ../fsys2/u2/mpatterson
save time: Mon Aug 23 07:07:42 2004
location: 73032 at lto_jukebox.mfcf
1 lrwxrwxrwx root other 22 Apr 25 2003 mpatterson -> ../fsys2/u2/mpatterson
save time: Mon Apr 26 00:38:28 2004
location: 73025 at lto_jukebox.mfcf
1 lrwxrwxrwx root other 22 Apr 25 2003 mpatterson -> ../fsys2/u2/mpatterson
save time: Sun Dec 21 17:42:22 2003
location: 73013 at lto_jukebox.mfcf
1 lrwxrwxrwx root other 22 Apr 25 2003 mpatterson -> ../fsys2/u2/mpatterson
save time: Thu Aug 28 21:17:54 2003
location: 73008 at lto_jukebox.mfcf
Display more versions of `/u/mpatterson' [y]? n
recover> quit