All of Severn's webtools are located at

Tools that are still current are documented here. the datasets for tools that you cannot make changes to are updated once every night overnight


  • used to audit switches and commrooms
  • soon to be deprecated in favour of the ONA integrated SWAudiT (coming soon?)

Corpus Hostus

  • also known as the deadhosts system
  • uses data gathered from the scanning modules (SevScanSoft) to determine what it believes are inactive hostnames
  • can generate a csv list for mass mailing or a hostname only list
  • can detect hosts that have tried hard to mask their presence through ARPing (if enabled)

Query tools

  • fairly simple tools that query the gathered data for certain pieces of information

Other tools

  • Automailer: a command line script to take a csv and a template, mail merge them, and mail out the contents
    • this was used primarily as the middle step that required human intervention to get mails out to users asking them about their hostnames

-- SevernTsui - 25 Aug 2004

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Topic revision: r3 - 2013-08-16 - DrewPilcher
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