-- Main.ctucker - 17 Nov 2005
Remote Access of Eon Operating System
All Eon 4000 and E100 terminals have a telnet server with which a remote manager can login as root provided the root password is set for a terminal. From there, an Eon terminal looks and feels like a stripped down Linux box. The operating system is formally called "Neoware Linux" or NeoLinux. For details about supported version of NeoLinux see OsEons.
Important Commands
- /sbin/fsunlock and /sbin/fslock
Outside of the /writable directory, the entire file system is locked down even to root. This is the case regardless of what the mod settings are for any particular file or directory. Running fsunlock as root opens the entire file system to editing. File system lock down is reinstated after a terminal reboot.
- /usr/sbin/factory_reset
This is the command line equivalent of the Factory Reset option in the terminal's Settings -> Appliance Properties menu. This option will reset the terminal to its "out of the box" state. Using this command does not reboot the terminal, that must be done separately.
Aside from a complete reflash of the hardware, Factory Reset is the only way to null the terminal's (or root user) password.
- /usr/bin/regMgr
A very useful tool for editing registry like files such as reg.ini, reg_man.ini and system.ini which are outlined below.
Important Files
- /writable/reg.ini
This is the main menu configuration file. The connection manager reads this file when it starts up in order to present the user with a connection menu.
- /writable/reg_man.ini
This file was part of a system modification imposed by CSCF (see ModEons). It is centrally managed and pushed out from the Eon Management Server (currently najas) to provide a terminal with manditory menu items - the Manditory Menu. The connection manager startup script (cm.sh, also modified by CSCF) reads this file at boot time and rewrites the reg.ini file to ensure that the Manditory Menu is present in the terminal's connection menu.
- /writable/sys/system.ini
This is the system configuration file. Most of the terminal's configuration settings are maintained here.