This page is linked from within the Subscriptions web application. Each field in the application has a link to a field explanation in this document. If there are corrections to the descriptions below, please edit but edit carefully. The headers below must be kept as-is or the in-program links to documentation will break.
Required The subscription code of the current subscription. Must begin with "sc-". This field is not editable once the subscription has been added.
Required The name of the group that currently owns the subscription. This field takes text.
Whether or not to bill for the subscription: "Bill", "Don't Bill", or "Undecided". This field is a drop-down menu.
The web site of the group that currently owns the subscription. This field takes a URL.
The MFCF Support site for the subscription. This field takes a URL.
The organizational unit of the subscription. This field takes text. In most cases, the value is "CS".
The faculty members who own the subscription and are billed for it. This is a tabular group of fields.
Column | What to Enter |
Username | A valid WatIAM![]() |
Payment Distribution | The portion of the subscription cost for which this person is responsible. This field includes a drop-down menu with these distribution methods:
Account Number (Optional) | The person's Unit4 account number. Preferred format 12345 67890-12345 678. Also will accept FORE account number |
Any faculty members who own the subscription but are not billed for the subscription. This field takes valid WatIAM usernames separated by commas.
This field is largely informational, but it is searchable using the Search field on the Subscriptions Summary page.
The faculty contact for the subscription. This field takes valid WatIAM usernames separated by commas. This is the person to whom bills will be sent.
The lab managers for the subscription. This field takes valid WatIAM usernames separated by commas.
This field is largely informational, but it is searchable using the Search field on the Subscriptions Summary page.
The financial administrators for the subscription. This field takes valid WatIAM usernames separated by commas.
This field is largely informational, but it is searchable using the Search field on the Subscriptions Summary page.
Any other users related to the subscription (such as grad students). This field takes valid WatIAM usernames separated by commas.
This field is largely informational, but it is searchable using the Search field on the Subscriptions Summary page.
Required The 'point of contact' for the subscription—that is, the faculty member with whom CSCF should communicate regarding matters pertaining to the subscription. This field takes an already-registered Subscriptions user id.
The date this subscription was created. This field is populated automatically and is not editable.
The date this subscription was last edited. This field is populated automatically and is not editable.
Comments about the subscription. This field takes rich text. Comments might include anything unusual or noteworthy about the group or the subscription, explanations of why some fields are configured the way they are, and notes about changes made to the subscription over time, who made them, and on whose recommendation or authority. Do not confuse this field with term billing comments; faculty may see this comment.
The term this tab represents for the subscription. This field is populated automatically and is not editable.
Status of the subscription for the term: Yes = active; No = inactive. This field is a drop-down menu.
The number of dedicated units of CSCF service the subscription has purchased for the term. This field is visible only if the subscription type is Dedicated. It takes a number that may include decimal places.
If you change this figure after bills have been generated for the current term, it will not trigger a new bill, but it will affect the expected hours of work for the current term as listed in reports and it will affect the number of units allocated by default for the next term.
The number of desktop units the subscription has purchased for the term. This field is visible only if the Subscription Type is Desktop. It is a read-only field. Typically, it shows a positive integer that matches the number of machines covered by the subscription.
The number of pieces of equipment the subscription covers for the term. This counts includes computers—not displays, printers, file servers, et cetera—in inventory. This field is automatically calculated on the basis of the contents of the Machines field and is not editable. It might not match desktop units billed if the subscription has requested additional computers during the term and has not been billed for them.
The type of subscription: Dedicated or Desktop). This field is a drop-down menu.
The pieces of equipment covered by the subscription. This field is a table. Data are drawn dynamically from the Inventory system.
Column | Explanation |
Machine Key | The machine's key in the Inventory system. Click a link to open a machine's inventory record in a new browser tab. |
Equipment Type | Type of machine: Computer, Terminal, Printer, etc. |
Host name | The machine's name as recognized by DNS. |
Barcode | The machine barcode. |
Room | The room in which the machine currently lives. |
User | The WatIAM id of the person authorized to use the machine. |
Model | The model of the machine: Thinkpad, SunFire X2200, MacBook Pro, etc. |
Any errors in, or omissions from, the Machines table should be corrected in Inventory.
Comments about billing for this term or for the up-coming term, such as the rationale for any changes. These comments are visible only in the Subscription Details page, but faculty can see them in their own subcriptions. This field takes rich text.
The presence of comments flags the subscription as having been reviewed for this term. This affects the Only unreviewed filter in the Subscriptions Review page.
The user's WatIAM id. This field takes a valid WatIAM
user ID and is not editable once a new user record has been saved.
The real name of the user, pulled from the WatIAM database. This field is not editable.
This set of checkboxes determines what the user can do in the application.
Permission | What One Can Do | Typically Applies To |
No permissions checked | See only your own user record and subscription(s). Change nothing. | Faculty and graduate students |
Read | See anything except payment information. Change nothing. All users and subscriptions are visible. | CSCF Help Desk staff; CS administrative staff who handle payments |
Modify | See and change anything except payment information. All users and subscriptions are visible. | |
Admin | Have access to the Admin page. See and change anything throughout the application. No limits. | CSCF staff; co-op developers |
Bill | See and modify billing and payment information for any all users and all subscriptions. | CS administrative staff who handle payments. |
Note: Faculty do not need any permissions checked in order to view their own subscriptions.
The date on which the user's access permissions are no longer valid. This date does not affect faculty's read-only access to their own user and subscription records. This field takes a date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Use the date picker for easy entry.
Any comment about a user. This field takes rich text. Faculty can see these comments in their own user records.
Existing comments that look like "Added from sc-bernard" are left from a system conversion and may be ignored.
The amount of the user's credit to be applied to a subscription. This field takes a positive numeric value that does not exceed the amount of user's credit amount. It may have up to two decimal places. Do not include the "$" sign.
The subscription to which credit is being transferred. This field takes the subscription code of a subscription that has the user listed as Faculty.
These fields appear in two places: in the User Details page and in the Billing page for a particular subscription.
The reason for the alteration of credit or receipt of payment. This field takes text.
The type of alteration or payment: Debit or Credit. Choose Credit when increasing the amount of credit the user has available. Choose Debit when reducing the user's credit or receiving a payment. This field is a drop-down menu.
The amount of the credit alteration or payment. This field takes a positive dollar amount with up to two decimal places. Do not include the "$" sign.
Any explanatory comments about the transaction. This field takes rich text. Payment comments will appear in the payment history area of the User Details page.
The system automatically divides the amount for paying of bills. For the automatic pay bills to work, the total amount from everyone must add up to the total incurred amount. It is strongly recommended that the user check over the amounts before clicking the pay button.
Checking the box labeled "Ignore Total Check" will mean that the checking done to ensure the amounts add up will no longer be checked. If you check this and your totals do not add up, your bill will still be paid, though the total may be above or below the outstanding bills total.
The term that is currently being altered. This field is automatically populated and is not editable.
Expected budget amount to target this year, in dollars. This field takes a positive number and may have up to two decimal places.
Read-only. Total of all of the hours logged in RT and ST for the given terms start and end date. Only counts hours from subscriptions which are "dedicated" (likely all of them), and ones that are marked as "active".
Read-only. Target divided by Billable Hours.
The price of one unit of 'dedicated' service in dollars. This field takes a positive number and may have up to two decimal places.
The price of 'desktop' service for one machine in dollars. This field takes a positive number and may have up to two decimal places.
The number of hours of 'dedicated' service that one unit buys. This field takes a positive number and may have decimal places.
Note: The field label is misleading. This is hours per unit, not units per hour.
The number of hours of 'desktop' service that expected for one machine. This field takes a positive number and may have decimal places.
Note: The field label is misleading. This is hours per machine, not machines per hour.
The number of users' billing information to list on each page of a dedicated subscription bill. This field takes a positive numeric value greater than zero.
The number of machines to list on each page of a desktop subscription bill. This field takes a positive numeric value greater than zero.
Comments for internal reference only. These comments are not seen anywhere else in the system and are not printed in any reports or bills. This field takes rich text.
This field contains the template used to generate bills for dedicated subscriptions. It is marked up in LaTeX. Edit with caution. Variables marked with double square brackets will be dynamically replaced with subscription-specific data at bill generation time.
This field contains the template used to generate bills for desktop subscriptions. It is marked up in LaTeX. Edit with caution. Variables marked with double square brackets will be dynamically replaced with subscription-specific data at bill generation time.
A report must be confined to a time period. You can limit reports either by choosing a particular term or by specifying starting and ending dates.
Term | Starting Date | Ending Date |
Fall | September 1 | December 31 |
Winter | January 1 | April 30 |
Spring | May 1 | August 31 |
To report by date range, select "Search by Date" in the Report Term field and then enter the first date of the period on which you wish to report in this field. This field takes a date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Use the date-picker to make this easier.
To report by date range, select "Search by Date" in the Report Term field and then enter the last date of the period on which you wish to report in this field. This field takes a date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Use the date-picker to make this easier.
The type of report to generate. This field is a drop-down menu.
There are three report types.
See Research Subscriptions User Documentation for sample reports and further details.
The term that the system considers current. This field is automatically generated and is not editable. If the current term shown here is not correct, something is very wrong. Do not proceed with rolling the term. Contact an administrator.
The term to which the system will roll if you click the Go button. This field is automatically generated and is not editable. If the new term shown here has not been predicted correctly, something is very wrong. Do not proceed with rolling the term. Contact an administrator.
-- Revised JeffGuild - 2015-12-17 -- JiningHuang - 28 Jun 2011