Emergency restart of all course buildservers

As root@linux.cscf:

cd /region/cs-cscf-legacy/u1/omnafees/bin/marmoset/

Adding users

Go to https://marmoset.student.cs.uwaterloo.ca and select the course. Use web-interface to "Register" an Instructor or TA in course. Other than the person's first and last name, every other field must be filled with their standard Quest ID.

Check the state of the buildservers

Start at https://marmoset.student.cs.uwaterloo.ca/status/QueryBuildServerStatus authenticate "as" yourself, select "SuperUser", and then select "BUILDSERVERSTATUS". An example of a result is

BuildServer status page
Current time is: 2014-06-22 14:25:14.572

The following buildservers may be hanging, please check their logs and/or host loadaverage:


BuildServer Counts:

cs136t.ubuntu1204-004.student.cs has 12 working buildservers.
cs136t.ubuntu1204-006.student.cs has 12 working buildservers.

cs146t.ubuntu1204-004.student.cs has 12 working buildservers.
cs146t.ubuntu1204-006.student.cs has 12 working buildservers.

cs241t.ubuntu1204-004.student.cs has 12 working buildservers.
cs241t.ubuntu1204-006.student.cs has 12 working buildservers.

cs246t.ubuntu1204-004.student.cs has 12 working buildservers.
cs246t.ubuntu1204-006.student.cs has 12 working buildservers.

cs247t.ubuntu1204-004.student.cs has 12 working buildservers.
cs247t.ubuntu1204-006.student.cs has 12 working buildservers.

BuildServer poll stats:

bs1.cs136t.ubuntu1204-004.student.cs; last 1 messages received: 0 minutes ago at 2014-06-22 14:24:49.319 (Spring 2014: CS136) 
bs9.cs247t.ubuntu1204-006.student.cs; last 1 messages received: 0 minutes ago at 2014-06-22 14:25:12.682 (Spring 2014: CS247,CS247_PROJECT) 

Marmoset buildserver resource limits

Marmoset buildservers are each limited to a maximum of 16GB of available RAM. Test-writers are responsible for not trying to allocate more than this amount explicitly or their tests will fail.

Marmoset Instance Installation done every Term

NEW Setup jobs on cron.student.cs rather than individual hosts and use "~cs_build/bin/buildserver_hosts_command".

Follow the instructions on how to setup a course.

Current Buildservers can then be checked via https://marmoset.student.cs.uwaterloo.ca/status/QueryBuildServerStatus

Neat tool: marmoset_submit

This handy command line tool allows for submission using the command line. For more info execute ~cs_build/bin/marmoset_submit as your student.cs account.

Useful SQL queries for backend MySQL database

This query gives me the total_size of the relevant column in MB storing submissions for this particular course (for marmoset db on database.cs):

select sum(octet_length(archive))/(1024*1024) as total_size from projects AS A, submissions AS B, submission_archives AS C where A.course_pk=92 AND A.project_pk = B.project_pk AND B.archive_pk=C.archive_pk;
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Topic revision: r11 - 2015-06-19 - BillInce
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