Cacti Monitoring Tool
The CSCF cacti install is located on watcher.cscf and is accessible via cacti.cscf.
Cacti Monitoring
- Install Apache and add the cacti vhost:
- Install cacti (and dependencies)
- sudo apt-get install mysql-server cacti
- Restart apache: sudo invoke-rc.d apache2 restart
- Go to http://cacti.cscf/ and configure cacti (defaults should be fine)
- We need cacti 0.8.7 but Gutsy Gibbon only includes 0.8.6. To install 0.8.7:
Performance Tuning
- First you'll want to add some additional indexes by executing the following mysql statements (after selecting the cacti db) (e.g. in phpmyadmin):
- ALTER TABLE `data_input_data` ADD INDEX ( value(8) )
- ALTER TABLE `data_input_data` ADD INDEX ( t_value )
- ALTER TABLE `graph_templates_item` ADD INDEX ( task_item_id )
- ALTER TABLE `data_template_data` ADD INDEX ( data_input_id )
- ALTER TABLE `data_local` ADD INDEX ( data_template_id )
- ALTER TABLE `data_local` ADD INDEX ( host_id )
- I also compiled and installed spine, the cacti c-based poller, as the php-based one was very slow:
- Download cacti-spine-0.8.7.tar.gz from
- tar -xf cacti-spine-0.8.7.tar.gz; cd cacti-spine-0.8.7
- aclocal; libtoolize --force; autoconf; autoheader; automake; ./configure
- make
- sudo make install
- sudo cp spine.conf /etc/
- sudo chmod o-r /etc/spine.conf
- sudo nano /etc/spine.conf
- Edit the login details, which you can find in /etc/cacti/debian.php
- Goto Cacti Settings -> Paths and change the spine path to /usr/local/sbin/spine
- Goto Cacti Settings -> Poller and change the poller type to spine
You must run add_device_and_graphs.php as root (e.g. 'sudo add_device_and_graphs.php ...') on watcher.cscf.
add_device_and_graphs.php [options] template hostname [tree]
Adds hostname to cacti and creates all relevant graphs indicated by
template. Note that template may a partial string, as long as the string
matches unambiguously to a single host template. If tree is specified,
then the host is inserted into the graph tree. Header may be a path of
partial strings, separated by forward-slashes (e.g. linux/cpu).
name of device; defaults to hostname
the public/read community; default UofW
the snmp version; default 2
the snmp port; default 161
list of interfaces to graph; prompt for interfaces by default
graph all interfaces
use 32-bit counters (defaults to 64-bit counters); this is needed for
Solaris hosts, NetApps, and UPSes
list of disks to graph disk i/o for; prompt for disks by default
[The following are planned features; they are currently incomplete]
list of temperature sensors to graph; prompt for sensors by default
list of fan sensors to graph; prompt for sensors by default
list of disks to graph temperatures for; prompt for disks by default
Written by David Bartley (dtbartle).
delete_device_and_graphs.php hostname
Deletes hostname and associated graphs from cacti.
Written by David Bartley (dtbartle).
add_combined_graphs.php [options] title
data-template[*snmp-field*snmp-value][^data-source-name] tree
[source-trees ...]
Adds a combined graph. The data-template argument indicates the type of
data to graph (e.g. Logged in Users) and may be a partial string. The
graph will be created at the specified tree. The source-tree arguments
indicate which trees or hosts to include in the graph. If source-tree is
a tree all children hosts will be added.
a comma-separated list of functions to include; possible functions
are max, min, avg, and cur
graph width
graph height
whether to replace graphs with the same title; the default is to
prompt when a graph with the same title is found
Written by David Bartley (dtbartle).
Network Weathermap
Weathermap is an application that uses RRD files to make graphs of network flow. It has the ability to plugin to cacti:
tar xf
cp -a weathermap /usr/share/cacti/plugins/
cd /usr/share/cacti/site/plugins/weathermap
mkdir /var/lib/weathermap
mv configs /var/lib/weathermap
mv output /var/lib/weathermap
chown www-data:www-data /var/lib/weathermap/*:w
ln -s /var/lib/weathermap/configs configs
ln -s /var/lib/weathermap/output output
vim ../../include/global.php
After $plugins = array(); add:
$plugins[] = 'weathermap';
User permissions must now be configured. To this goto You will need to go into each user, and set the relevant realm permissions. You should now have a Weathermaps entry on the menu and Weathermap tab.