Daniel: Research Book work: Talking with MWG and PaF
missing webpage data: 36 out of 80 were blank? Marlon says personal_url field is propagated from uwdir, not meant for editing?! I should check the data he most recently imported: look in ofis_imports.uwdir table.
Awards: two people selected "Early Researcher Award (current version of PREAS)" - do we need the "current... " ? Ask Beth next week.
Contributions display: "11 pages"? - send Vu the record with a problem.
Employment History: display of "Period" shouldn't show 'through 0000-00-00' if no end-date.
ALSO: any edits will add '0000-00-00'
Vu will fix.
UTF8 cleanup.
Marlon and Vu figured out various student-supervision timeline problems, and what to display in reports.
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