Registrar Sponsored Accounts

The accounts-master command causes the directory
/software/accounts-master/data/sponsors/REGISTRAR/.DATA to be filled with files whose names match courses, and whose contents are the students taking the course.

In the directory above that, that is
/software/accounts-master/data/sponsors/REGISTRAR/ are files which allocate resources based on program and course enrollment. These reference the automatically generated files in the .DATA directory using the < operator, so as to assign resources to all members of particular classes. Note that only those files actually referenced will be created or updated in the .DATA directory.


Directory/File NamePurpose
REGISTRAR/ files under REGISTRAR "automatically" sponsor resources, based on data received from the registrar's office
REGISTRAR/.DATA/ Don't touch! The accounts-master computer program uses information from the Registrar to put, beneath this directory, lists of students in different classes
REGISTRAR/Grads base resources for Masters and PhD students
REGISTRAR/Undergrads base resources for undergraduate students
REGISTRAR/cs resources linked to enrolment in CS courses
REGISTRAR/se resources linked to enrolment in SE courses
REGISTRAR-YYYYMM/ Files under REGISTRAR-YYYYMM, e.g. REGISTRAR-201001 implement the predictable long-term expiry of sponsored resources by freezing the indicated previous terms class (program/year) memberships. Another file there ensures any account created stays until after the drop-add deadline. Occasionally (usually only in fall terms) you will see REGISTRAR-YYYYMMext directories. Read the file .README in such a directory for an explanation of its purpose and how it was created.

-- AdrianPepper - 10 Feb 2010

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Topic revision: r7 - 2011-07-25 - AdrianPepper
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