OFIS Notes from 2 March, 2011


Steph Sempson's 2nd day on job. A bit info-overloaded.

Vu: may be back next week; new project was quicker than expected.

Daniel: will bug ray about access to ecserv files, for hg checkin; and prep a tutorial for using mercurial?...

Olga: university retreat: people complaining about Office of Research responsiveness- we may have trouble getting dept/faculty admin sending data to them? When are things corrected? Will ask Brenda M - re: read-access to new system (which allows profs new interface to their own reports).

How about GSO: Wendy Irving says dept admins are actually authoritative; want to have admins correcting our data.

Michael: report on error sources. Got as far as 4 reported errors that were user-misunderstanding of OFIS page. Not resolved; many errors to discuss...

-- DanielAllen - 02 Mar 2011

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Topic revision: r1 - 2011-03-02 - DanielAllen
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