Database Services provided by CSCF


Database Management Systems operated by CSCF

  • IBM DB2 - DB2 is currently used to teach CS 338 and CS 348 database courses. A free-download Community Edition is available.
  • MySQL - "The world's most popular open source database". We currently use it to provide a general-purpose database service in the student.cs and core.cs regions and to support internal services, like ST. It is commonly used by students in the CS Software Engineering courses. We hope to migrate most MySQL databases to PostgreSQL.
  • PostgreSQL - "The world's most advanced open source database". Beginning in 2007, CSCF uses PostgreSQL as the RDBMS backend for internally developed applications. CS 448 currently uses the code base of PostgreSQL in programming assignments.
  • Filemaker - ISG and the Graduate Studies office in CS use Filemaker. The server is at


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Topic revision: r8 - 2012-05-10 - BillInce
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