OFIS Notes from 23 March, 2011


Met at 10:30. Done at 11:30. Vu: changes to support multiple implementations: instead of config.php and /common/lib dir, use setup.php - contains all constants, all libs. Now we're using the following constants: APACHE_PATH - absolute and SITE_URL -

  • OFIS_dev2 is the ported version; requires additional path changes; Vu will handle this in the next few days, modulo his wife giving birth, first.
  • Marlon: question about code at top of setup.php- related to timing and testing, written by Anthony last year. Needed for handling IE6 code, among other things... Marlon requested Vu documenting its logic.
  • vu's other project work on grads db: possibly we might import to OFIS: date-picker, search-by-column.

Daniel: using hg to prune old versions from live; then want to get live working on dev machine, THEN, copy dev over top. Are we in agreement that ecdev can be the development server for OFIS? Yes, and Ray can get the webserver set up for that. Then we'll test OFIS using the newest version of PHP. Gee, no longer using prodevment server!

Michael: using MySQL Workbench to produce very good looking Enhanced Entity Relationship diagrams. Keep working on these.

Marlon: can we swap out auth so an install can be entirely remote? Wants us to work on before he goes on holidays to Trinidad.

  • import problems: posthumous degrees don't show up properly
  • grad students: trying to figure out workflow for fixing errors involving departments.
And we're done.

-- DanielAllen - 23 Mar 2011

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Topic revision: r1 - 2011-03-23 - DanielAllen
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