Ubuntu First Impressions
These are notes based on Image 0.99 (May 12/2006). This is a list of tasks Lawrence needed to do early on. Maybe we can get some of these into the latest image.
Shortcuts on Panel
- Added the Terminal Icon to my Panel:
- Applications -> Accessories
- right-click on Terminal
- Choose "Add this launcher to panel"
- Did the same thing for Thunderbird
- configured Thunderbird to read my mail from mail.cs
Install Printer
Firefox extensions
- Firefox needed flash extension installed - and it seems to be a pain to do so. - should be fixed in 1.0 image
- haven't checked Java yet - see Flash
Setting up BookIt (Oracle Calendar)
- Go to the IST BookIt Downloads page
- Click on the Oracle Calendar x.y.z for Linux link
- Save to Disk (it will go to the Desktop)
- open a Terminal session
- cd Desktop
- tar -xzf cal_linux_*
- cd OracleCalendar_inst
- ./text_install.sh
- I just accpeted the defaults from there, which put the software in my $HOME/OracleCalendar and a link in $HOME/bin
- to run OracleCalendar, enter:
- for notes on first-time configuration, see: IST's setup notes
Change my default path to include $HOME/bin
- after installing OracleCalendar, I needed $HOME/bin in my path
- in .bashrc added to the end: PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH
Fix ssh to connect to Solaris machines quickly
- I added the following to the aliases section in my .bashrc
Auto Lock Screen
- System -> Preferences - Screensaver (2nd one!)
- check "Lock screen when Screen saver is active"
- Screen saver was set to "Random" after 10 minutes (which is fine for me)
- except I've noticed that most of the items listed don't work - so it's usually blank
- set it to "Cosmos" instead
Add keyboard shortcuts
- I like to have something like Ctrl-Alt-C to pull up the Calculator or Ctrl-Alt-T to bring up a Terminal window
Access to NetApp filespace
So, how do I map my NetApp file space?
- probably need to use smbclient somehow
Recovery from KVM failure
I noticed that it recovers nicely from a KVM failure. In the earlier Debian image, my mouse would not come back.
-- LawrenceFolland - 15 May 2006