OFIS Notes from 3 November, 2010
Past CS tasks
- Daniel: Research Book work: data cleanup.
- Vu: research support: "losing fields" means missing data for OCGS/CEAB reports: beth will look up in breakout fields... where did the fields go? we had been guessing on some data, from worse data; we're getting better data, but need to clarify what had been guessed. Beth will investigate.
- Vu will move merit report to prod when gets OK.
- Marlon: Teaching_roster table updates the course_roster; ofis doesn't get entire U, just have course no. (could we get entire U from Karen? Marlon will ask).
- Note that we don't even have course #s for CS faculty listed in OFIS
- courses being taught can change mid-term; older data is in quest b/c no failsafe on changes going back from dept's to quest. (what does CS have? Daniel will ask Isaac when it is updated). So I should treat evaluation data as authoritative course-lists.
- count-date is july 1 nov 1, feb 1. - when courses sent to govt
- Ray: my talk is first after morning break
- Maron: Wayne's 6 students: Wendy Irving says even if we have prof report to GSO, need to instead send data to dept, and dept sends to GSO.
- Harry fixed display formatting bug
- Beth: IAP data on history, leaves, comparing to dean's ofc. manually.
- so: errors have to go to dean's office and/or dept. probably all OFIS errors that way.
- can we let dep't correct data displayed in OFIS? And can we email the error to IST via ST? Seems reasonable. Beth suggests discussion with Adil, about data completeness. Dean wants to back off rather than force OFIS for merit reports.
- Beth: Engineering dean likes OFIS, but Beth thinks the merit report is not working out. Staff don't want to do repeated edits; administration wants to use OFIS data for other reporting purposes. What are purposes for OFIS? possibly mostly publications? (admin staff?) What do faculty care about having in OFIS?
- Marlon: GSO does have form that dept has to send them after count-date with errors; but they aren't. paper form. ofis could be electronic form.
- discussion of using sharepoint/sqlserver as front-end?
- Marlon: focusing on grad studies / GSO import.
Future Tasks
- Daniel: research book followup; asking Isaac about registrar data updates; WatITis talk prep (with Ray and Marlon).
-- DanielAllen - 08 Nov 2010