Time 1500-1600h
Present: MikePatterson, LawrenceFolland, Nancy Day
- ok to use Linux only on Wens' replacement PC (he'll get rainylake, ST#46040)
- Jo sez that Rational Rose is no longer an issue, so we can remove our involvement from that ST
- UPS software is still on the list of things that need to be done (we're waiting for the private area LAN that Dave Gawley had mentioned he was going to work on)
- UPS for gooch - Nancy will talk to Mark about this; it may also be something we can hand to the high school co-op (name elided for privacy)
- thin client - they're done with it, but are in no rush to give it back. We'll get it if we need it.
- Nancy said she would appreciate it if we would send an itemised list of outstanding requests (the output of RTgoo with ST#s would be sufficient)
We'll meet at 1530h next month (2 November).