Mac Printing

There Are Actually Two SCS Print Servers

In order to prevent confusion, the first thing to know is that CSCF maintains two different print servers for SCS.

  • is a Microsoft Windows print server.
  • is an Ubuntu based CUPS server.

Both servers are mentioned in this document for different purposes. Both servers provide a slightly varying list of print queues.

Laptop wireless access to printers

  • IMPORTANT if your are using wireless you may have also use the campus VPN to print

Print via the SCS Print Server -

This is perhaps the most straight forward means to setup an SCS print queue on a local Mac device. Especially for a laptop computer on wireless. Also, not all SCS printers may be accessed through direct connection - outlined below - and must be reached through a CSCF managed server with access controls. You will require CS-GENERAL domain credentials to access it queues.

  1. Click on the Apple icon at the upper left of the desktop and select System Preferences... from the drop down menu.
  2. Select Printers & Scanners.
  3. Click on the + button in the lower left of the Printers & Scanners pop-up.
  4. If the Advanced option is missing from the Add pop-up, then you will have to add it to continue with the printer setup.
    • Right click to the right of the Add title at the top of the pop-up and select Customize Toolbar... from the drop down menu.
    • Drag the Advanced icon up into the toolbar of the Add pop-up. A + symbol will appear when you can drop the icon into the toolbar.
    • Click on the Done button.
  5. Click on the Advanced option in the Add pop-up.
  6. After the Searching for printers... scan completes, select Type: Windows printer via spoolss.
  7. Enter for the URL: smb://<print_queue_name> (lj_csgrad used just as an example).
  8. Finding the print_queue_name: if you want to use the printers in DC 2583 Grad Mail Room, use lj_csgrad; if you want to use the printers from other locations, go to and find the queue name.
  9. Select Use: Generic PostScript Printer.
  10. When the Setting up smb://<print_queue_name> drop down appears, select Duplex Printing Unit and click the *OK button.

With the print queue setup, whenever you send a print job, you will be prompted for your CS-GENERAL domain credentials before printing is permitted.

Mac Printing Set up links

* A collection of references to documents describing how to set up printing in the Mac OS X environment

For printing to the Main CS printers, you will need to add an lpd connection to "print.cs", then add the queue ljp_csSee MacsOnMainCSPrinters for more detailsYou will also need to have your machine/userid added to the list of clients allowed to print.Send an email request to accounts@cs or speak to your point of contact.

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