OFIS Notes from 28 April, 2010
Past CS tasks
- Office of Research: wants to use OFIS data as core for reporting requirements
- new federal requirement. Starting with 30 or so profs in quantum computing
- They need a decision Friday on bootstrapping process; August deadline
- Marlon is reimporting Office of Research and GSO data mid-june.
- they need their data by mid-may latest.
- contribution data: web of science or google scholar for publications / citations? ... and/or store their imported data into OFIS.
- Discussion of research_support and importing/reporting; RAIS numbers; co-investigators.
- Citations. possible for ofis, tricky, not something we're doing now.
- looks like they're comfortable with the amount of flexibility we can provide.
- long-term want to be able to store data in one place. OFIS looks helpful.
- IQC: colin bell will meet with Marlon about Researcher Database. Office of Research interested in becoming part of that conversation.
- Want to put their data back into OFIS.
- Daniel / Beth discussion:
- Math is interested in using it as well.
- Q: can/should we add a Math staff member to demo for C&O staff and chair? (if so, likely a few others as well).
- Beth: sure, we should give C&O staff an ID. She would be happy to demo OFIS for Math. (possibly with Marlon).
- Q: awards on webpage: Lai set to reverse chronological order and added "-nnnn" if ending year.
- contributions on webpage: should also show in reverse chronological order, not entry order? A: yes.
- Question for Beth: OK to add end-year to awards globally? Or just for CS/Math? A: globally.
[Deferred until next week]
- Daniel: Report: Demo for profs.
- many votes for NSERC freeform data entry (but don't want to see data auto-uploaded to NSERC website; don't trust interactions of systems). Nobody said they DON'T want NSERC freeform data entry.
- Charlie Clark in Software Enginineering:
- questions on university privacy policy. "How do we know where grad student data is used? Eg., NSERC restricts usage. It would be sensible to be able to publicly present grad names, degree, and date, if that is allowed." * "There should be a statement like 'Information is released in accordance with University Privacy Policy.'"
- Therese Biedl in CS:
- missing grad students under Supervision: shouldn't this report as an error as well?
- has a very useful body of data on bibtex imports. Found errors.
- Discussion with Noki: he's looking for NSERC template data. Doesn't have access. Beth hasn't gotten it for him. I will try to do so today (before tomorrow).
Upcoming Tasks:
- Daniel will try and get Noki NSERC template.
- Daniel will fix CS Research Book code for order of display
- look up email to the list: bibtex-using prof, wants to test.
- still to ask:
- "2234 manuscript pages" - where does that come from? End-page isn't supposed to be a range, is it?
- logic for page-ranges: holes around "" or 0 for source, n for end
-- DanielAllen - 28 Apr 2010