-- MikeGore - 2014-11-20


Note ALL RSG metapackages and scripts are being handed over to CS infrastructure.

List of Unique packages NOT in the CS metapackages

  • 21 Nov 2014 Mike Gore * rsg_unique.txt: Annotated RSG package list - with duplicates marked from from uwcs meta packages packages

Using uwcs-rsg MetaPackages on a new system

  1. ) install a ubuntu-14.04 and a clean machine of VM
  2. ) create a cscf-adm user with full admin and sudo permissions
  3. ) obtain a copy of the rsg metta package scripts

    • cd packaging
  1. ) ./updates -y this configures the system to use uwcs-rsg metapackages and installs just a few packages
  2. ) apt-get install uwcs-rsg-everything - this installs about 15G worth of packages takes under 1 hour on my system
  3. ) You are done - next step is image the machine as a reference image.

Creating package with the deployment scripts

  • In order to create your own packages you must checkout depot.cs
  • git clone git.cs.uwaterloo.ca:/git/depot.cs.git
  • git checkout TRUSTY

Update make_packages

    • Package home - defined by the directory you did the git checkout steps in above
      • PACKAGE_HOME=/home/magore/packages/depot.cs
    • Update name prefix
      • PREFIX=uwcs-rsg
    • Default version number VERSION=0.06
    • Package Maintainer USERID USER=magore

Update packages.txt - this is the package source file

* P: defines a package name without the PREFIX * *D: defines the one line documentation of the package * # defines end of package * Other lines are assume to be part of the package and a description (from apt-cache -n of a package)

Make the packages

  • ./make_packages - this reads a file called packages.txt and creates a the new packages

Deploy the packages so other can use them

  • Change into $PACKAGE_HOME/packages
  • ./deploy_uwcs-rsg.sh - this script was created by make_packages above
    • Your packages are deployed


  • packaging.tgz: TAR zip file of the CS RSG package building and package installing script

  • rsg_unique.txt: Annotated RSG package list - unique RSG packages that are not in the CS packages - with added documentation sumary for each
Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
Compressed Zip archivetgz packaging.tgz r1 manage 358.6 K 2014-11-20 - 15:36 MikeGore TAR zip file of the CS RSG package building and package installing script
Compressed Zip archivetgz rsg.tgz r1 manage 7.3 K 2014-11-21 - 09:49 MikeGore Annotated RSG package list - with duplicates marked from from uwcs meta packages packages
Texttxt rsg_unique.txt r2 r1 manage 24.0 K 2014-11-21 - 10:13 MikeGore Annotated RSG package list - unique RSG packages that are not in the CS packages - with added documentation sumary for each
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Topic revision: r2 - 2014-11-21 - MikeGore
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