We want to look at Vu's path change code... is it done?
Daniel: how do we want to tackle merges of dev and main? Discussed many pruning tasks, which Daniel will do. Agreed to prune aggressively- 'tag' all of the ancient history and delete it from the live code.
Daniel will do this work on the existing hg import; there will be updates from the dev code from Vu.
Can we successfully merge dev and live at the outset, so dev can be a proper branch?
Possibly: hg contains live, and piece-meal bring in dev to revision control? Does dev have much that we need? I think it probably does. - we don't want to bring dev to live, right now, do we? (question involving Vu, for next week).
Can we rename 'ecdev' to 'ofisdev'? Ray will make a cname, though VeriSign certificate for redmine will be unhappy with ofisdev.
Michael: putting changes for supervision (as previously discussed) into dev
db-workbench: learning how it works; fairly uncustomizable, though the output is useful (to generate ERD from SQL dump).
further work on determining errors.
Olga: q'n about supervision errors/end dates... requires business logic changes/clarification via talking to Chairs. GSO data probably should be displayed as imported, rather than inferring the business rules on import; and possibly move the business rules to report production?
Information in this area is meant for use by CSCF staff and is not official documentation, but anybody who is interested is welcome to use it if they find it useful.