-- MikeGore - 11 May 2011

Post Install Steps


  • The image as the cscf-adm and cscf-op 2010 userids
  • This Windows system is not part of a domain.
  • Drivers were not included in the sysprep process so you might have to update a few drivers - normally only video and motherboard drivers.
    • Windows 7 will attempt to install basic drivers on most hardware - but they can be far from Optimal.
  • All except private CS printers are installed as CUPS printers
  • Every app we could think of is installed
  • Acrobat pro 9.2 is installed - there is a license fee (most Faculty want this)
  • Matlab is installed but licensing is controlled from an external License server - so no need to uninstall


  • Drivers Make sure to update Video and Motherboard drivers if needed

First Boot

First boot:
  • Windows will ask you to create a user account so add the owner userid - it will be an admin account.
  • The system is not part of the domain - if you plan to join the domain do in on najas and manually add it.
    • Put it in the Windows 7 OU first before you joint it or lots of bad incorrect software will install.

Boot fails after imaging

  • You may have to do a Windows 7 Repair to fix booting - unlike XP this is a fast fix!
    • Boot the Windows 7 x32 CD - when it gets to the install screen pick the repair link
      • Should take about one minute - it will find some problems - just have it fix them
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Topic revision: r2 - 2011-05-27 - MikeGore
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