These are incomplete. There's probably some junk in associated RTs.
Notes regarding getting the T3 array working with bonneville's internal
fibre channel adapter (t3b). t3a is the T3 array mounted by fireblade
and exported to bonneville as fsys1.
28 June 2004
bonneville was set up with a metadevice, dev/md/dsk/d0. This device has two
/submirrors, d10 and d20.
d10 is c1t0d0s0
d20 is c1t1d0s0
/dev/md/dsk/d1 has two submirrors, d11 and d21.
d11 is c1t0d0s1
d21 is c1t1d0s1
so c1t{0,1} are internal disks.
d1 isn't even mounted!
Oh, it's swap:
/dev/md/dsk/d1 - - swap - no -
Not sure why we'd want to mirror our swapfile, but oh well.
format doesn't see the external array - why do I fail to be surprised?
bonneville# luxadm probe
No Network Array enclosures found in /dev/es
Found Fibre Channel device(s):
Node WWN:2000002037e3eff6 Device Type:Disk device
Logical Path:/dev/rdsk/c1t0d0s2
Node WWN:2000002037e3dc2e Device Type:Disk device
Logical Path:/dev/rdsk/c1t1d0s2
But on ds1 we see this:
1>(root)@ds1[103]% luxadm probe
Found Enclosure:
SUNWGS INT FCBPL Name:FCloop Node WWN:50800200001968a0 Logical
Found Fibre Channel device(s):
Node WWN:50020f200000ec9b Device Type:Disk device
Logical Path:/dev/rdsk/c2t1d0s2
Node WWN:50020f200000e615 Device Type:Disk device
Logical Path:/dev/rdsk/c3t1d0s2
so obviously we're missing something on the T3.
MikePatterson - 19 Mar 2005