-- Main.mdmewhor - 23 Aug 2005

Data Model

applicant Table

This table holds data on each applicant.


  1. ouacId (primary key) - The applicant's ouac number.
  2. passwordHash - The MD5 hash of the applicant's password.
  3. email - The contact email for this applicant.
  4. creationDate - The date and time that this record was created.
  5. activationDate - The date and time that this applicant first logged in. If this field is not set after a certain amount of time after the creationDate the record will be deleted.
  6. researchInterests - Detailed information about the applicant's research interests.
  7. statementOfPurpose - ?
  8. resumeFilename - Given filename of the applicant's attached resume.
  9. resumeHash - MD5 hash of the applicant's attached resume to facilitate version control.
  10. resumeToBeMailed - Boolean indicating if the user is going to mail his/her resume rather than attach it electronically

applicantResearchArea Table

This table links applicant.ouacId's to researchArea.id's to indicate that an applicant is interested in a particular research area.


  1. applicant (primary key) - The applicant.ouacId of the applicant who chose the research area.
  2. area (primary key) - The id of the chosen research area.

backgroundCategory Table

Holds all possible background course categories.


  1. id (primary key) - A unique id to identify the category.
  2. description - A word or phrase describing the category.
  3. order - The position relative to the other categories in which it should be displayed on the screen.

backgroundCourse Table

This table links applicant.ouacId's with courses they have taken in the past.


  1. applicant (primary key) - The applicant.ouacId of the applicant who has taken this course.
  2. courseNumber (primary key) - The course number.
  3. courseTitle - Phrase describing the course.
  4. grade - the grade achieved by this applicant in this course.
  5. category - the backgroundCategory.id that this course belongs to.

researchArea Table

This table holds all possible research areas.


  1. id (primary key) - A unique id to identify this research area.
  2. description - A word or phrase describing this research area.
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Topic revision: r2 - 2013-02-22 - DrewPilcher
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