"Page Currently in Construction solutions may vary"


If you have issues Refer to the solutions below


if you are getting the blue screen at the desktop for windows and reset bios and that could fix your problem

The blue screen may appear at the launch screen for windows if this happens wipe the disks and image the unit with X2AMD003-X- this should fix the issue with blue screening on boot.

The Location : smb://asimov/IMAGES/core/Fall2013Images

Acronis Not Loading

If Acronis is not loading first go to the bios and reset to the default settings if this does not work then do the following step

wipe the Hard drives this can be a little bit spotty as to weather it will work or not.

-- CscfTechnician - 2014-11-13

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Topic revision: r2 - 2014-11-26 - CscfTechnician
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