Mailman lists used in CS

The canonical list of CS lists hosted by IST on is availble at (ADFS required). On that webpage:

  • The ISG scs-isg-* lists are maintained by ISG's Undergraduate Studies Administrative Coordinator.
  • NON-LEAF nodes are maintained by CSCF in the sense that only CSCF has the admin password (check the safe). These non-leaf nodes should require little to no maintenance, and require no membership changes when people are hired or leave their job.
  • LEAF nodes are maintained by CS admin staff, principally cs-a2dir, ie Assistant to the Director. The Assistant to the Director has the admin password, which is also recorded in the CSCF safe. If you update these leaf lists yourself, let the Assistant to the Director know.

Access, for CSCF staff, may be accomplished by checking the safe under ''; admin URLs are of the form: replacing LISTNAME with:

  • scs-cscf-temps or
  • scs-cscf-staff

Perhaps see MailManManagementGuide for lots of documentation and pointers to other (off-campus) documentation.

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Topic revision: r9 - 2022-09-22 - YiLee
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