School of Computer Science shared Library - the Distributed Library Project (DLP)
(no longer exists - this project is no longer active)
What is the DLP?
- The DLP is the SCS distributed library: a database of all of the books, music and videos that CSCF owns, as well as any personal media willing to be shared by members. The DLP keeps tracks of what media is in the database and where the media is currently located, as well as the option of checking out books that are available.
Who can use the DLP?
- Members of the School of Computer Science* can create an account
in the DLP if one has not already been created, and from there will be able to view the current books available for checking out and those which have been loaned and when they are due.
Account Information
How do I create an account?
- Go to the Create Account page
and there you will be prompted for the following:
- Your username - your UWID account name with a max of 8 characters
- Your personal password
- Your first and last name
- Your street address – UW's street address of 200 University Ave West
- Apartment number - your office number, optional
- Postcode – UW's postal code of N2L 3G1
- Email Address - preferably your UW email
- Language - choose from English, Spanish, French, German
- Additional information can also be entered, such as your web page, online messenger service usernames and your interests, however this is strictly optional.
What do I do if a DLP account has already been created for me, yet I do not know the password?
- Contact your DLP administrator (Lawrence Folland) in person at DC 2563 or by phone (+1 519-888-4567 x32214) and ask to change the password to your own personal one. If Lawrence is not available, contact can be made through email at with the title of “DLP Password Change Request”.
Using the DLP Database
Where can I see which books/videos/music are currently in the DLP?
- Click on either Find Books
, Find Videos
or the Find Music
Search/Browse links, depending on the form of media from which you would like to borrow. All of the items available in the DLP database will be listed alphabetically, and more information of the item can be shown by clicking on Show to the right of the screen. If there is a specific item you would like to borrow, use the search function at the top of the page.
- There is also the option of looking at books that have recently been added to the DLP database or by genres by using the appropriate links under the Find Books
, Find Videos
or the Find Music
How can I check out items from the DLP?
- Search for an item you would like to borrow using one of the methods described above, and check if the current status of the item is Available (located to the right of the list). If the item is available for checking out, click on Show next to the right of the item's name and then use the Check Out link on the following page. You must then wait for the current DLP administrator to approve your request.
- If your borrowing request is approved, a message will be sent to your email with the name of the item that you borrowed, as well as the due date for when you must return the item. If you borrowed an item from a user's personal library, please contact that user for pick-up directions. Otherwise, contact the CSCF administrator at for pick-up directions.
Please speak to the DLP administrator if your borrowing request is not approved. This may be due to an unsatisfactory borrowing record or another issue.
What happens if I do not return an item on time?
- With the DLP, there is a feedback system where the person who you borrowed the items from may comment on whether you have returning habits, and will be shown on your user information for any DLP member to see.. If you have returned your item to its owner promptly and in good condition, you will be given positive feedback. However, if you have failed to meet the due date for the item, or if you have left the item in bad shape, negative feedback will be given and might restrict your borrowing privileges in the future.
Is it possible to extend the due date of a borrowed item?
- That depends on who you have borrowed the item from, and the item's popularity with other members of the School. Please contact the owner of the item to determine whether extending a due date is possible.
Is there a limit as to how many books/other forms of media I can check out?
- Currently there is no limit, however this may change in the future as more members use the DLP.
Contributing to the DLP
Where can I add my own personal books, videos or music?
- Click on either Your Books
, Your Videos
, or Your Music
in the left-hand side of the website under Your Branch, and add in the information of the media that you have chosen to share using the Add Book form at the top of the page. Press Submit when you have finished entering in all of the information.
Note: If you are adding books to the DLP, all the information that is needed is the ISBN, which can normally be found on the back of the book or in the publisher information section. Remember to press the Lookup button after entering in the ISBN.
- If there is no ISBN on the book, enter in the appropriate information manually.
How about video games?
- If you're willing to lend out video games, add them to the "Videos" collection: Your Videos
, in the left-hand side of the website under Your Branch, and add in the information of the media that you have chosen to share using the Add Video form at the top of the page. When entering video games, please indicate the game system by entering it in square brackets before the title so that they all sort together, eg: "[PS3] Uncharted" or "[Xbox360] Halo". Adding a link to a description of the game in the Comments section would be appreciated. Press Submit when you have finished entering in all of the information.
Video game codes
- Here is a suggested list of video game console names: [PS2] [PS3] [PSP] [Wii] [Xbox] [Xbox360]
How can I add reviews to an item?
Search for the item which you would like to review and click on Show next to the right of the item's name and then use the Add Review link on the following page.