Tutorial 11: Creating an LACP link

HP Procurve Setup

Roadmap to this tutorial: This tutorial outlines the procedure for creating a lacp trunk on a production (live) running switch.

Make sure spanning tree is enabled on both switches before starting.

  1. Disable the new port on upstream (head end) switch before connecting new cables.
  2. Install all backbone patch cabling from head-end switch through to new port on end switch.
  3. ssh into remote switch and create trunk on switch and add new port only.
  4. ssh into head-end switch and create trunk and add new port only.
  5. Using ONA on both switches add tagged vlans to the new LACP trunk that you've created.
  6. verify that vlan and correct ports are added to LACP trunk with ONA
  7. through ONA enable new port to lacp trunk on head-end switch
  8. through ssh command line add the appropriate existing tagged port on both switches into new LACP trunk
  9. Sync ONA on each switch to verify that ONA now has all ports you've selected in the LACP trunk group.

Note: If you fail to perform the steps as listed you risk disabling communications from the end switch.

Ubuntu Setup

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Topic revision: r2 - 2010-11-18 - DaveGawley
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