School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo

Standard PC Deployment Information

Request #  
Date Installed/Delivered:  
Computer name  
IP: 129.97.______.______
User Name:  

Operating System details

Your PC workstation has been configured as one of the following (circle appropriate configuration):

  1. Windows XP
  2. Debian Linux
  3. Dual-boot Windows XP Pro / Debian Linux workstation. You can select which operating system you want to run when the system boots up. If you would like to have the default OS changed from Windows to Debian, please let your Point of Contact know (see below)

Dual-boot configuration (if relevant)

If your system is dual-boot, then the hard drive has been configured with the following partitions:
  1. Windows XP
  2. Debian Linux
  3. Shared partition (available from both operating systems)


Three accounts have been created for each operating system:
  1. "cscf-adm" is for CSCF staff to administer the workstation
  2. The local Administrator (Windows) or root (Linux) account is for you to use when installing software, setting up printers, and other functions that require administrator access
  3. The main account is the user account you should use to do your day-to-day work. Using the administrator or root account for your day-to-day work is not advised, it is a security hole and potentially you could accidentally make your workstation inoperable

Installed Windows Software

If your system has Windows installed, the following packages will be available:
WindowsXP + service packs/patches, etc. OpenOffice MS Office XP Pro
Mozilla Thunderbird (email) Mozilla Firefox (browser) Acrobat Reader
Symantec Antivirus Winzip Quicktime
XWin32 Emacs editor SSH
Ghostscript Ghostview WinDVD Recorder

NOTE: CSCF uses the c:\software directory to install software instead of the usual c:\Program Files directory.

Installed Debian Software:

If your system has Linux installed, the following packages will be available:
Linux Kernel 2.6 OpenOffice 1.1 Oracle Calendar
Mozilla ThunderBird (email) Mozilla Firefox (browser) Gcc
Gimp (image manipulation) Xfig (diagrams) Evolution (email)
Gaim 0.8 (Instant Messaging) many others

More information regarding the Debian installation can be found at the CSCF Wiki:

You are encouraged to create a login and contribute to our wiki

Account Information

Account Type Login Password
Local user account                     
Windows Administration Administrator  
Linux Administration root  

There is also a cscf-adm administrative account (cscf-adm) in both environments. Please leave that account on the system so that we can provide assistance when required.

* Note: Your passwords are temporary, please change them after your first login. You may wish to set your main account password to match your UWdir password. *


Important! Your machine is NOT BEING BACKED UP. You may wish to copy important data to the CS core environment, which is automatically backed up.

Hardware Information

Your new workstation consists of the following hardware:

  • CPU: Pentium 4, 2 GHz or better
  • Memory: 512mb - 1 gb
  • Disk: 40gb or larger
  • Video: On-board video
  • Mouse: 3-button mouse
  • Keyboard: Standard keyboard
  • Monitor: 19" LCD or CRT

Details can be found on the sticker attached to the side of the machine

Please note: Do not add or change any hardware on this machine without speaking to your CSCF Point-Of-Contact (below).

Support Information

For future support, please call your CSCF Point-Of-Contact:


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Topic revision: r4 - 2006-02-08 - IsaacMorland
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