OFIS Notes from 9 December, 2010
Past Tasks
* Daniel: move expertise keywords live (done); WatITis talk done;
- Research Book: printing drafts for people to review -> book project likely lasts through end of year.
- Not done:
- ask faculty members: display on web?
- process for improving CS teaching roster data to include faculty userid? (will ask Isaac to request).
- ask OFIS: contribution that's a published book is always displayed with (accepted) date- is that proper business logic?
Daniel: watitis notes and comments from today:
- Brenda MacDonald called me afterward, spent 15 minutes talking with her. Wanted to be sure we weren't putting OOR sensitive data into CS Research Book. Their data is NOT faculty/department driven. Reports from Profs will be fine under the new system. Their new system (called Info-Ed) will be some time in the new year. The next update will still be RAIS-based.
- John Kemp, in IAP: Do we consider accessibility concerns? I said, not explicitly; we are browser-independent and don't require javascript; would need to look into how to become accessible. (IST accessibility talk this friday is postponed).
- Ask Derek: are there IST data-marts in the plans that we should know about?
- Marlon says: IAP has best data-mart currently; HR might build one, they told Marlon/Beth this summer.
- Ray talked with Joanne Voisson re: Quest. she says"Just ask for userid to be added to your feed. They can do that."
- She also noted engr has 3 large courses w/o instructors listed in this term. Discussion: we think passing this data back to them is department-specific; CS apparently does better than engr, since to my knowledge we have no missing data. I will ask Isaac to ask Quest for the userid.
- Gail __ in systems group at library: do we produce business intelligence reports? Ray and I told her nope, not currently.
- Student developers want to know about ways they can be helpful; developing, getting data imports... Nate Vexler suggests 'find an expert' would be useful for students. 'find a mentor'. along the lines of student engagement.
- We're not going to follow up with them immediately... Students interface/needs seem quite different from Faculty.
Questions about revisions to course-critique to add grad students in Engineering. I discussed CS course critique plans: independent database, for now. Possibly load into OFIS at some point.
- Marlon suggests I should use serial_type unique ID in postgres. And possibly, if I can, unify with person_id from OFIS?
About our HR transactional data which lacks "good through" column:
- marlon went to SQL talk at watitis; taught by developer who works for HR, who taught the specific method to fix our problem with the HR data. That's convenient!
Marlon has received Office of Research's data for this term, which he's working on importing.
Future Tasks:
- Daniel:
- process for improving CS teaching roster data to include faculty userid? (will ask Isaac to request).
- ask faculty members: display on web?
- ask OFIS: published book has (accepted) date?
-- DanielAllen - 09 Dec 2010