Thinking Ape Mobile Devices 2013

As described in ST#91712, the SCS has acquired 100+ mobile devices, as shown below. Ongoing support and maintenance of this set of devices is described in ST#91923. The 2012 project is documented at

The devices are generally in the Davis library on three-day reserves, with the indicated call #:

  • iPods: call # UWD 1600 for cs446
  • Nexus 5's: call # UWD 1501 for cs446

Students in courses that use the devices should contact the reserves desk for more information. Others (faculty, grad, staff) should contact the CS Executive for permission to use the devices, most likely the Associate Director of the School.

For details on a particular set of devices, use the barcode list to search for the set of devices at, or click the individual link to see the record for the given item.

Extra material (ear-buds and documents) is stored in dc2560g. Or maybe it dc2560h. Whatever the number, it's the lab, in the back corner.

Device Call # Model Barcode list
iPod Touch UWD 1600 a1509 CS008536 | CS008537 | CS008486 | CS008540 | CS008454 | CS008511 | CS008508 | CS008528 | CS008457 | CS008504 | CS008515 | CS008476 | CS008538 | CS008514 | CS008533 | CS008532 | CS008519 | CS008516 | CS008505 | CS008509 | CS008507 | CS008513 | CS008506 | CS008510 | CS008441 | CS008523 | CS008480 | CS008467 | CS008484 | CS008460 | CS008479 | CS008459 | CS008442 | CS008482 | CS008525 | CS008517 | CS008497 | CS008488 | CS008518 | CS008535
Nexus 5 UWD 1501 LGD820‑AUSGBK — Black LGD820‑AUSGWH — White LGD820‑AUSGRD — Red CS008473 | CS008548 | CS008445 | CS008447 | CS008462 | CS008465 | CS008448 | CS008478 | CS008490 | CS008495 | CS008464 | CS008444 | CS008481 | CS008529 | CS008539 | CS008472 | CS008531 | CS008483 | CS008547 | CS008527 | CS008530 | CS008491 | CS008492 | CS008449 | CS008475 | CS008485 | CS008458 | CS008470 | CS008453 | CS008446 | CS008503 | CS008456 | CS008500 | CS008455 | CS008487 | CS008489 | CS008501 | CS008496 | CS008471 | CS008468 | CS008526 | CS008512 | CS008466 | CS008443 | CS008499 | CS008440 | CS008469 | CS008521 | CS008463 | CS008545 | CS008451 | CS008546 | CS008544 | CS008498 | CS008494 | CS008502 | CS008524 | CS008477 | CS008522 | CS008461 | CS008452 | CS008534

The library attaches its own barcodes for circulation purposes. They provide to us a document that shows the correspondence between our inventory barcode and their circulation barcode, as follows:

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