Meeting Date

  • TEAMS: 2024-04-03


Anthony (group leader), Lori, Dave, Clayton, Guoxiang, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Ed, Devon, Gwen


  • Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Nick, Todd, Devon

Review and accept previous meeting minutes.


Review last meeting's Action Items

  • Still blocked on comprehensive review of authentication/authorization configuration, work proceeding

New DFSc Hardware

  • Vendor failing to provide reasonable updates
    • Vendor claimed last week that it was ready to ship... has not yet provided tracking information.

DFSc Performance

  • Looking to re-enable snapshots for GENERAL environment to provide some live testing
    • Relatively low traffic
  • Blocked on cleanup of old homedirs
  • Need to send message to users (login message (only applies to login shell), other?) when snapshots are re-enabled, links to appropriate end user documentation - Anthony

Endpoint Protection

  • IST wants to deploy SentinelOne end point security agents on all devices
  • INF group to deploy on all workstations
  • Planning test deployment to linux.student.cs in passive (watch and complain) mode for spring term,
    • IST controls the mode of the software and to provide CSCF with new token
  • What if anything is sent to third-party/off site servers? For privacy reasons, we need an answer before we do a roll out
  • Any docs on what the program does and how it does it?
  • IST unable to provide CSCF with dashboard access


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Topic revision: r2 - 2024-04-03 - ToddLichty
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