The CSCF Organization Chart can be found in the CSCF About pages, here:
[510]% cat cscf_orgchart.readme The png file is what is published on the web. The png file is generated from the dia file, using Dia on Linux. To update, edit the .dia file, save it, then Export as a png file. It's advisable to backup what's there first. - jatestar, Dec 2007 2009/05/04: Dia on Solaris (/opt/csw/bin/dia) works too. provides some documentation. is a tutorial that happens to talk about org charts. The file menu at the top of the control window isn't the main file menu; right-click anywhere on the drawing window for that. To change a name, select the text with a left-click, then select the menus with a right-click, and then select Edit->Cut Text (not "Cut", pick "Cut Text") select the desired replacement text from anywhere it might be select Edit->Paste Text 2009/07/24 Dia on WindowsXP changes the font size. So I used Solaris. (jkeir)