MikeGore - 15 Feb 2005
Mapping your UNIX home directory to your PC using SAMBA services on smb-files.cs.uwaterloo.ca
Where are the files kept ?
* All of the cpu1XX.cs machines in the
CS General environment
share the same file space with smb-files.cs.uwaterloo.ca
- This documents assumes a stand alone PC - that is NOT part of the Core CS-GENERAL Windows Domain* (an external Windows machine that authenticates your connection)
- So if you log into CS-GENERAL on your Windows Desktop you can ignore this document because it is already done for you automatically
- The password we care about for this document is the CS Core Windows Domain password NOT your local PC password
- Access to smb-files.cs.uwaterloo.ca is controlled by a CS Core Windows Domain Controller that uses it's own password list - not the same by default as the Core Unix password!.
- The only way for a user to change their Windows Domain Password is to have them change their Unix core password - this process will update both Windows and Linux passwords in the Core.
The End-User does each of these steps:
Initial Requirements - these steps must be done first:
- Account userid on both the local PC and the CS general environment
must match exactly
- PC account name must not be a renamed userid. Renaming a userid will cause samba to fail.
- Password on PC must match the password setup on the core such as cpu102.cs.uwaterloo.ca. The recommended method is to change your PC password to match your core password CS general environment
and set their password to match.
Initial Testing:
- Open the Start Menu and pick Run.
- Type in \\smb-files.cs.uwaterloo.ca press OK
- Do you see your own userid listed ? If not see troubleshooting below, otherwise you now have two options 1) Map the directory as a network drive that can be reconnected every time you log into your PC (right click and pick map network drive) - or - 2) open the directory as you would any a normal directory.
- Note: if your are prompted for a userid and password when connecting make sure you enter CS-GENERAL\ in front of your user name - ex CS-GENERAL\userid
Problem solving
- Recheck the initial requirements above being very carefull about the userid and password - they must be exactly the same. If these steps fail contact your support point of contact for help.