Creating a Course Account in WatIAM

As part of moving email to a central system, we're creating WatIam for course accounts (ST #88866). There are two parts to this.


Create the Account

Sign in to WatIam as an administrator.
Select "Accounts".
Select "New User" in the "New Actions" menu.
Provide the following information to the resulting form to create the account csNNN.

Account ID csNNN Cancel Account Duplicate Check CHECKED
Given Name(s) csNNN Last Name CS Course Account
Email Address Forward
Home Page
Expiry Date 04/01/2016
Gender U
Activated CHECKED
Comment primarily for email to/from csNNN ISG ISAs -- ST #88866
Department School of Computer Science

Don't provide a "Home Page" unless it exists.

Record the "Persistent ID" number (near the top of the form), for use with our accounts sponsors data.

And then "Save" it, and "Ok" it.

Set the Password

Select "Passwords" instead of "Accounts" (from the main page).

Enter the new userid and select "Find".

Pick a good password (e.g. derived from a phrase using a memorable algorithm).

Initial Login

It seems that the initial password is set to expire. So login via WatIam, and reset the password. It will then want answers to password recovery questions. We don't want to use those, so provide three random strings as answers.

Student.cs Account

The new WatIam account will have a "Persistent ID" displayed in the creation or query page. Prefixed with a "P-", add it to the course account information in
P-NNNNNNNN:cs100:CS Course Account, CS100: 2014/06/18 - UWDir
There is likely a different (now conflicting) simpler entry for the account which will have to be deleted. Sort the file when done, on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd fields. E.g. via
setenv LC_ALL C; sort -t: -k1,1 -k2,2 -k3,3 Userids
Updating the file is safe during the day; however in the wee hours it's being mechanically updated.

After editing, run `/software/accounts-master/maintenance/check_userids`.

After editing, run `/software/accounts-master/maintenance/sponsor_resources`.

It is also possible to wait until WatIAM places the persistent ID into /software/accounts-master/data/downloaded/Extract and arrange for the updated version to be processed. Prior to the update, no ID number is necessary in sponsors data files, since the Userids file typically contains "c" as the course account ID number.
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Topic revision: r11 - 2015-06-26 - BillInce
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