The three data sources are:
(imported to odyssey from the Registrar's office)
(imported to odyssey from IST)
(currently imported to odyssey from the sponsors database text files, via the sponsor_resources script) - see References for schema dump - to be replaced by a new database as described below.
The project's new database will be housed in postgres, accessed and modified by direct SQL queries and stored procedures. On top of this access, there will be command-line tools for database access and modification, as well as a web UI for access by a wider range of users.
database schema, which is currently (Sep 2019) a 1:1 image of the sponsors files output, to allow us greater flexibility in accounts management
schema cleanup man sponsors(5)
on mfcf.math. .sponsor_netinfo
- used for check_equipment
, not used by CS and doesn't require SQL database for MFCF.
- same as above.
(descriptions of arg-fe, arg-windows-ts, other groups that look stale). MFCF uses for equipment listings, doesn't require SQL database.
is redundant with odyssey _watiam
has 26 rows with no foreign key Assumption: this isn't used, and could be removed
, sponsor_mailalias.mailalias_description
, sponsor_printing.printing_description
, .sponsor_class.class_requirements
and .sponsor_class.class_instructor
are metadata described in man sponsors
that aren't used.
was "lab fee" in the MFCF model; not used.
has 9 rows with non-null - only representing classes se112, se212, se382.
has 471 out of 959 classes filled in, with values distributed between ("low/moderate/high/heavy/???") - described as "estimated cpu load for the class"
is redundent. It is always NULL in CSCF data, and always equal to member_name in MFCF data. There are two fields which are used by the MFCF charging model but not for CSCF; we can preserve the fields and their data for MFCF use.
table is not actively used for CS, but is for MFCF. It is used with =.sponsor_class.usage_id as a lookup table which may be "Unknown", "Research", "Administration", "Maintenance", "Teaching", or "[NULL]". We can preserve this table and dropdown for class definitions.
is barely used by CS but is used for MFCF for some records to record the resources are subsidized by the Dean.
Following are remarks on design changes for Version 2 math_computing
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sponsor_class ( sponsor_id integer, billcode_id integer, class_id integer, PRIMARY KEY (sponsor_id, billcode_id, class_id), class_name text, class_description text, usage_id integer REFERENCES sponsor_usage, class_nosubsidy boolean, FOREIGN KEY (sponsor_id, billcode_id) REFERENCES sponsor_billcode );And sponsor_member simplifies by removing member_name:
CREATE TABLE sponsor_member ( sponsor_id integer, billcode_id integer, class_id integer, member_id integer, PRIMARY KEY (sponsor_id, billcode_id, class_id, member_id), userinfo_userid text REFERENCES sponsor_userinfo, member_starts date, member_ends date, FOREIGN KEY (sponsor_id, billcode_id, class_id) REFERENCES sponsor_class );
is populated from text file input - primarily from the RO class lists
associates userinfo with class, supplied from text file input - primarily from RO class lists
, .sponsor_mailalias
, .sponsor_printing
are supplied from text file input
associates computing with free-form named groups from text file input
associates a sponsor with free-form named billcodes (list of billcodes currently populated how?)
is supplied from text file input - and is directly referenced by .sponsor_billcode
(and indirectly by nearly all of the above)
Going forward, we can update these via stored procedures within our database; possibly triggered when we have our daily updates to _quest
We will have to automatically populate .sponsor_class
and .sponsor_member
with all classes and class-memberships identified from _quest
; the proposed process is described below under "Groups definition".
Broadly speaking we have a number of databases which actively record "membership in a group" where:
These include the following data sources:
, .sponsor_group
, and .sponsor_computing_group
For the rest of this document, I will only consider sources driven by odyssey.
Within the Standardized Administration Tools Requirements, ("cs_people" schema) I have been working on a flexible definition for "group," described as follows.
From the working schema:
CREATE TABLE group_group ( group_id text, name text, active_as_of daterange, parent_id text REFERENCES group_group (group_id) ON DELETE SET NULL, short_description text, PRIMARY KEY (group_id) );
Groups are referenced many:many by people, rooms, and other groups. They have date-ranges for when they are active, so that they can automatically expire. They have a text ID, short name, and description. They have a "parent group id" which, if not null, allows indirect associations.
A person can belong to any number of groups. Persons have direct membership in groups and they have indirect memberships, automatically, through parentage. (TBD: why doesn't this include active_as_of daterange?... I expect it should - drallen 2019-09-25)
CREATE TABLE person_group ( person_id integer REFERENCES _identity.person_person, group_id text REFERENCES group_group, PRIMARY KEY (person_id, group_id) );
Rooms are mostly outside the scope of the accounts discussion, but for completeness: any room is also associated with any number of groups; this would be used for assigning labs, offices, and desks. As an example, "DC2510 belongs to the group CSCF and implicitly belongs to the group "CS".
CREATE TABLE room_group ( group_id text REFERENCES group_group, active_as_of daterange, room_id integer REFERENCES room_room, PRIMARY KEY (room_id, group_id) );
and _math_computing.sponsor_class
; and person_group
and sponsor_member
We can eliminate the tables for sponsor_class
and sponsor_member
in favour of the more flexible groups, if:
We update group_group
table to add columns for "sponsor_id", "billcode_id", "nosubsidy", and "usage".
We update person_group
table to add columns for "sponsor_id", and "billcode_id".
) are re-implemented as SAT "groups" with a value set for "sponsor_id" and "billcode_id".
tables reference "group_id" instead of sponsor_class.class_id
replaces sponsor_member
as follows: class_id maps to group_id, member_id is a superfluous numeric primary key, userinfo_userid maps to person_id, and member_name is unnecessary because we have their identity in _identity (see above).
since any group can have a parent. cs_people
. _people
table allows arbitrarily nested groups. For convenience, we can use a sql VIEW which expands sponsored groups into a flat list of all nested sponsorships; and join this view to sponsor_computing to return sponsored computing records with nested sponsorships. This replaces sponsor_computing_group
CREATE RECURSIVE VIEW group_group_root (group_id, parent_id, root_id) AS ( select group_id, parent_id, group_id root_id from group_group union all select g.group_id, g.parent_id, r.root_id from group_group g inner join group_group_root r on r.group_id = g.parent_id )
select * on group_group JOIN group_group_root ON group_id where root_id = 'cs241_student';
-- returns group information associated with group cs241_student
and all of its children.
select * on sponsor_computing JOIN group_group_root ON group_id JOIN group_group ON group_id;
-- returns all sponsored computing records joined with all the hierarchical nested groups.
select * on sponsor_computing JOIN group_group_root ON group_id JOIN group_group ON (group_id) WHERE group_name = "cs241_student";
-- returns all sponsored computing records associated with group named cs241_student
and all of its children.
The following workflows are automatically updated by quest. They will trigger stored procedures to update.
(replacing .sponsor_class
) is populated automatically upon updates to _quest
(replacing .sponsor_member
) is populated automatically upon updates to _quest
, making associations between person_id and .sponsor_class
The following tables will be updated via web UI and potentially by command-line tools.
, .sponsor_mailalias
, .sponsor_printing
(to add specific resources to persons) are updated via web UI
automatically includes the parentage information previously recorded in .sponsor_computing_group
; (making sub-groups) will be updated via web UI
(list of billcodes) is updated via web UI
(list of sponsors) is updated via web UI
Spent some time this afternoon considering how to meet Dave's request for filtering out bill codes, sponsors, and sponsorships a user shouldn't see. Access levels can depend on group memberships; I wrote up how to base this on a person's Primary Appointment (here).
I don't think we need database additions to do sponsorship access levels. I need to map this out more comprehensively, but possibly:
Possibly there are root groups for "Sponsorship visibility" "Sponsorship creation" "Sponsorship updating" and "Sponsorship deleting".
vagrant@ubuntu-bionic:~/people/schema$ sudo -u postgres psql psql (10.12 (Ubuntu 10.12-0ubuntu0.18.04.1)) Type "help" for help. postgres=# \password Enter new password: Enter it again: postgres=# \q vagrant@ubuntu-bionic:~$ psql -h -p 5001 -U postgres postgres Password for user postgres: psql (10.12 (Ubuntu 10.12-0ubuntu0.18.04.1)) Type "help" for help. postgres=#
including a subset of quest and watiam data, and the people schema
including old-format sponsor data (pre-conversion).
vagrant@ubuntu-bionic:~/people/schema$ sudo -u postgres psql -f people_quest_watiam_sample_data_combined.sql vagrant@ubuntu-bionic:~/people/schema$ sudo -u postgres psql -f sponsor_data_combined.sql
host all all md5
listen_addresses = '*'
service postresql restart
psql -h localhost -U postgres postgres -p 50010
-- DanielAllen - 2019-09-03