Linux Working Group

Meeting Date

  • TEAMS: 2023-03-22


  • Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Lori, Fraser, Devon, Nathan, Nick, Todd, Dave, O


  • Anthony (group leader), Clayton, Guoxiang, Devon, Nick, Todd, Dave

Review and accept previous meeting minutes.

Review last meeting's Action Items

New Items

  • Homedirectory quotas (a2brenna)
    • email survey went out to instructors - 100 GB baseline quota should be more than adequate
    • some course accounts are > 100 GB
    • there exists some users using > 1TB of space. These accounts will need to be informed that they are over quota
    • last snapshot of teaching is from the 29th - snapshots were disabled to investigate the linux student environment issues
    • Clayton has a script to allocate home directories will also detect homepath mismatch problems - won't be creating ssh keys (just the .ssh directory and authorized keys file)

  • linux.student.cs issues - we met a new uptime record
    • clients are getting evicted after 240 seconds of timeout
    • final assignments for this term are Mon, April 10
    • new memory has been ordered to help address the memory load issue
    • some users were using > 4GB of memory (coming from the cpptools extension in VS Code)
  • Todd to provide disk quota use per student per term for Open edX use
  • For the next meeting, think about and supply suggestions /etc/security/limits.conf
    • currently limiting users to 64 GB of RAM (in TEACHING) using cgroups
    • CPU limits can be limited by cgroups
  • Announcement for switchover to 2204, demise of 1804, linux.* to become ubuntu 2204 on May 7/8


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Topic revision: r2 - 2023-04-05 - ToddLichty
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