Is there a .deb package at this point that is ready for distribution?
nfish is working on it, progress happening ...
New Items
Homedirectory quotas (a2brenna)
email survey went out to instructors - 100 GB baseline quota should be more than adequate
some course accounts are > 100 GB
there exists some users using > 1TB of space. These accounts will need to be informed that they are over quota
last snapshot of teaching is from the 29th - snapshots were disabled to investigate the linux student environment issues
Clayton has a script to allocate home directories will also detect homepath mismatch problems - won't be creating ssh keys (just the .ssh directory and authorized keys file)
linux.student.cs issues - we met a new uptime record
clients are getting evicted after 240 seconds of timeout
final assignments for this term are Mon, April 10
new memory has been ordered to help address the memory load issue
some users were using > 4GB of memory (coming from the cpptools extension in VS Code)
Todd to provide disk quota use per student per term for Open edX use
For the next meeting, think about and supply suggestions /etc/security/limits.conf
currently limiting users to 64 GB of RAM (in TEACHING) using cgroups
CPU limits can be limited by cgroups
Announcement for switchover to 2204, demise of 1804, linux.* to become ubuntu 2204 on May 7/8
Information in this area is meant for use by CSCF staff and is not official documentation, but anybody who is interested is welcome to use it if they find it useful.