Burning CDs in Linux

Gui Tools


GUI: xcdroast. It's pretty self-explanatory. Sometimes it has issues though.


For the KDE-enabled, k3b is pretty nice.

Gnome - Write to Disc

In Gnome, using Nautilus for browsing files and directories, you can right-click on an .iso file and choose "Write to Disc..." Make sure you have a blank CD in the drive first.

Command line tools


xcdroast is really just a front-end for cdrecord. Debian patch their cdrecord. 2.6 kernels can be problematic. xcdroast doesn't seem to be happy on 2.6.9 kernels, so you're stuck with cdrecord anyway. Try:

cdrecord dev=/dev/hdc isoname.iso

It's usually easier if one is root whilst burning things.

Ubuntu is similar, except it wants

cdrecord driveropts=burnfree dev=/dev/hdc isoname.iso

on at least standard gradpc hardware.

(Meta-word: burncd)

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Topic revision: r6 - 2013-02-07 - DrewPilcher
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