Rhetorical Figures Project


In June of 2009, Chrysanne asked about us helping develop an application for their new Rhetorical Figures project. I discussed it with staff here and concluded that we might want to develop something using PHP and MySQL since we had a certain amount of expertise with that in house. Chrysanne was agreeable to that idea, but we didn't necessarily have people available to do it. In the meantime, one of the people associated with the group created a GoogleApp that suited their immediate needs. They've been using that since that time.

Related RTs

  • ST#67785 was the original discussions about the project
  • ST#68127 describes our efforts to develop the application

Google App

Garret Kelly created: http://rhetfig.appspot.com/

Development Project

In December 2009/January 2010 we had Ryan Goggin working on the project, starting by creating a MySQL database on the healthdoc.cs server and making a duplicate of the Google App. Ryan's contract was finished at the end of April and there was still work to do.

In May 2010, we hired Mark Zhang as a UW coop student. He restarted the project. These are his notes documenting his work: RhetoricalFiguresDevelopment2

His current development site: http://healthdoc.cs.uwaterloo.ca/rhetfigdev2/index.php

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Topic revision: r4 - 2013-02-04 - DrewPilcher
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