Sponsors Data Id Numbers

Notes about the ID number needed for sponsors data


Even if a userid inherently has several ID numbers, there is only one which may be used in the sponsors data.

Note that when you specify the userid you should, as described in more detail in SponsorsDataEditingUserids, follow it with a colon, and an appropriate extra id number for redundancy. The easiest way to determine the number to use is to use the userinfo userid command; the number which must be used will be shown as the Id  Number: value in the output. Perhaps see more information on the userinfo command and notes about creating new userids.

The id will be a student id, employee id, HR id, employee id, or WatIAM "P-number". It may be added once to a Userids: keyword near the beginning of the file, or it may be added to each use in an AssignTo:.

For even more details see SponsorsDataEditingUserids.

If you omit that id, however, the sponsor_resources command will actually tell you what value to use, and in fact the resources will be allocated. If you use an incorrect value (for example an employee id for a user who has a student id), you will be told what the correct value is, and an error will be generated and the resources will NOT be allocated.

To help make sure we don't slip up and put a real userid:idnumber in one of these pages, we by convention omit :idnumber in all examples.



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-- AdrianPepper - 2015-01-20

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Topic revision: r1 - 2015-01-20 - AdrianPepper
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