userinfo command

Although the userinfo command is available for use by all users, with different results, the intended audience for this page is the group of privileged users who can make changes using the sponsors data mechanism.

The userinfo command is the ls of sponsors data.

userinfo on accounts master machine (

Before and after you make changes to the sponsors data you should run the command on the accounts maintenance host ( and verify that its output reflects your intended changes.

Its output also reveals what it can of details of the given userid in uwdir.

The amount and type of information you see depends both upon how privileged you are, and upon what information is available on the machine where you run the command.

Here is what a member of group accounts would see on for fictional userid bbaggins.

cs-xh-admin% userinfo bbaggins
     Userid: bbaggins
  Id Number: e01010101
       Name: Baggins, Bilbo
  Sponsored: printer ljp_cs: Rbb001(-1)
  Sponsored: computing canadenis.student.cs: Teaching(0;cs_instructor,student_cs)
  Sponsored: computing cs-general.cs.private: Rbb001(5000000)
  Sponsored: computing serverus.cs: Rbb001(0;faculty_cs,general_cs)
  Sponsored: computing cs-teaching.cs.private: Teaching(0)
---------------------------------------- uwdir
No person matches your query.
---------------------------------------- uwdir ? ? ?
        Surname: Baggins
  Given Name(s): Bilbo
   Nick Name(s): Brave
     Department: School of Computer Science
         Office: DC 4201
          Phone: 519-888-4567 x39999
        Visible: Y
 Employee Id(s): 01010101
       UWuserid: bbaggins

Beware that, in real cases, much of that information is very sensitive.

The value shown as "Id Number:" is the value you must associate with the userid for use in sponsors data AssignTo: statements. Perhaps see also notes about Creating Userids.

The lines relevant to resource changes are the ones beginning Sponsored:.

Mr. Baggins appears to have...

  Sponsored: printer ljp_cs: Rbb001(-1)
  Sponsored: computing canadenis.student.cs: Teaching(0;cs_instructor,student_cs)
  Sponsored: computing cs-general.cs.private: Rbb001(5000000)
  Sponsored: computing serverus.cs: Rbb001(0;faculty_cs,general_cs)
  Sponsored: computing cs-teaching.cs.private: Teaching(0)
  • unlimited printing quota on printer ljp_cs
  • group membership cs_instructor and student_cs in region canadenis.student.cs
  • 5000000 kilobytes of extra disk quota in region cs-general.cs.private
  • group membership faculty_cs and general_cs in region serverus.cs
  • an account with no extra resources in region cs-teaching.cs.private

Rbb001 and Teaching refer to the theoretically billable monetary accounts, which correspond in name to the Class: directives in the sponsors data, unless the name is overridden by an Account: attribute.

Note that if the given userid does not exist you do not get an error message; instead you merely no output.

cs-xh-admin% userinfo sauron

When you get a result like that, check that you entered the userid correctly.

If you get a result like that, but you need to create resources for userid, you need to follow the instructions for Creating Userids.

userinfo on accounts client machines (e.g.

Here is what a member of group accounts would see on for the same fictional userid bbaggins.

cs-general% userinfo bbaggins
     Userid: bbaggins
  Id Number: e01010101
---------------------------------------- cs-general account
      Admin: sponsor-cscf
    Created: 1999/11/04
    Classes:     basic(20000000),Rbb001(5000000)2006/05/24
 Disk Quota: 25,000 megabytes
 Filesystem: fs-homedirs.cs:/u4
       Name: Baggins, Bilbo
     Groups: bbaggins
      Shell: /xhbin/tcsh
     Finger: Bilbo Baggins,Bag End Hobbiton,x30303,555-1000
   Password: AD-only
 Last Login: cscfpc20.cs.uwa (pts/6) Tue Jul 27 16:28:07 2010

-- AdrianPepper - 18 Dec 2014

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