Giest parts we frequently order

  1. GEIST DISTRIBUTORS: Anixter, Graybar, Wesco, and Nedco
  2. GEIST product representative: GREG PORTER Email:
  3. GEIST - Model RSM-0 0U Vertical Power bar with WEB and SNMP control Part # RCMW240-1031ij4T6-0 (Anixter price 26 Jan 2012 $904-.05 each)
  4. GEIST - 2 pcs 4" L-Shaped Steel Brackets for RSM-0 PN# SLB-4 (used in MC3003) SEE:
  5. GEIST - 2 pcs vertical offset brackets EZB-1 (picture shows can mount on rear rails) SEE:
  6. GEIST - 1U rack mount powerbar with AMP-METER PN# BREC160-0020/16 supports 110v or 220v up to 16 amps max per bar. MUST order input and output power cords separately. URL for product: This device supports 16 connections, 4 on front and 12 on back of unit. Each computer or switch required a IEC320C14 to IEC320C13 cable.
  7. GEIST - Wire clips for their power Strips - Part# 7759-12 which is a pack of 12. ($10.50 Anixter price as of 7 July 2011)
  8. GEIST - Model RSM-0 0U Vertical Power bar with WEB and SNMP control Part # RCMW240-1031ij4T6-0 (Anixter price 26 Jan 2012 $904-.05 each)
  9. GEIST - Switched Ultra Power bar with WEB and SNMP control Part # RCUW240-103PJ4TL6-OD THIS PDU MONITORS ALL OUTLETS and is fully SNMP controllable. Used in DC3558 machine room for the CSI machines. Pricing 14 April 2015 from Graybar $1247.08 each. Requires external RSD2X8 local display for each PDU, Pricing April 14, 2015 Graybar $60.08 each.
  10. RSM configuration info:
  11. Geist RSD2X8 remote monitor.
  12. Geist 1 meter power cord IEC320C14 TO IEC320C15 for Above PDU's (Anixter price 26Jan2012 $6.50 each)
-- DanHergott - 23 October 2012
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Topic revision: r7 - 2015-04-14 - DanHergott
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