Fixing Grad Desktop Problems

The problem seems to fall into the following pieces:

  1. Room assignment
  2. Improvements to CSCF Processes

Room Assignment System

This would be a new system to track room assignments. It would contain the following information:

  • Space inventory
  • Space entitlements
  • Space assignment
  • Phone assignments

Everything would be tracked at the per-desk level. It would know how many students could go in each office.

Read access to most of this information would be available to all CS staff, as there does not seem to be any strong reason to be more restrictive. Write access would be controlled and restricted to those who actually perform the functions in question.

More details are in CSRoomAssignmentSystem.

Improving CSCF-internal Information Handling

-- IsaacMorland - 22 Nov 2006

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Topic revision: r2 - 2006-12-07 - IsaacMorland
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