Resources for Printing

Laptop wireless access to printers

Finding the full list of printers and their address

  • For a list of printers, locations, names you can use this link
  • Please avoid using a printer that is group specific unless you are part of the group

Advantages of setting up for direct printing setup vs CUPS

  • Although CUPs printing is the easiest to setup
    1. ) You can not cancel your own jobs once they have been sent
    2. ) You do not get detailed feedback from the printer when there are errors
      • Such as: Paper Jam, Paper out, Toner out, waiting for manual feed
  • Setting up to print directly to the printer itself avoids all of these issues.

Before you can print you must set up your computer so that it can find the printer. The procedure for doing this will vary by operating system:

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Topic revision: r6 - 2017-08-10 - MikeGore
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