Note. Most of the user docs on printing will be placed at and will be incorporated via server side includes. In short, official user docs are not be be placed in the wiki.
We shall often refer to various computing environments, namely the General Computing Environment and Student Computing Environment
, respectively.
Some of the docs here are also relevant for users who have admin capabilities.
Depending on who you are, namely, if you are staff, faculty, grad student, undergrad student, or visitor you will likely be sending your print jobs different printers, see Recommended Printers.
Most print queues are restricted to people who have print quota, see check print quota for a detailed description.
In this section we specific details, depending on the actual software application, of how a specific print job can be initiated.
The primary method of under Unix is via the lpr command, see using lpr command.
The instruction pertain to printing webpages, see printing via browser.
Check your mail. There might be a message message from our print system will refer to lpquota_filter
. If all else fails please contact your point of contact.