-- MikeGore - 01 Apr 2013

Printer Problems and Troubleshooting

Status and Troubleshooting

print.cs print job status

  • You can view the print.cs job queue to see what is happening with your print job
    • Note: the printer can be ready but your job might have an error
    • Or someone else may have a print job error blocking your printout.
  • Visit: http://print.cs.uwaterloo.ca:631/printers
    • If you need to delete a print job please contact your CS point of contact, email printers@cs.uwaterloo.ca, or contact the CSCF Help Desk.

Viewing the Printers Built in Web Server

  • You can view the printer's status directly to see if it is:
    1. ) out of paper
    2. ) waiting for paper from a specific empty paper input tray
    3. ) waiting for manual feed of paper
    4. ) waiting for a missing size (e.g. A4) or type of paper
    5. ) paper jam
    6. ) low or out of toner
    7. ) ready to print
  • To find the network address of the printer
    1. ) Open http://print.cs.uwaterloo.ca:631/printers
    2. ) Open the printer you are using
    3. ) Look at the connection line
      • In this case socket://cs006417.cs.uwaterloo.ca:9100
      • Cut out just the cs006417.cs.uwaterloo.ca part and open that address in a browser
        • Confirm any security notice; the printers only have self-signed certificates and are unrecognised by certificate authorities

Very important note about Documents and Paper size

  • Please note if you send a PDF file to be printed and the document is A4 paper type it will fail and cause the printer to wait for manual intervention! * There are a vast number of PDF documents that are published on A4 paper type and this is a common problem.

Administrative notes

This is only for CS staff

  • When canceling print jobs do not forget to click on the Maintenance Drop-down and pick Resume if required.
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Topic revision: r5 - 2017-12-07 - FraserGunn
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